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Changgu was excited. It was 3 o'clock on a Sunday afternoon and he knew that at this time tomorrow, he'll be living on his own for the next 2 weeks. Granted, when he heard that he was exchanging lives with the quiet and tall Chinese exchange student, he was excited to know a little more about the cute boy. But living on his own was also a big plus. He just hoped that he'd be able to cook something without burning the apartment down. That'd be hard to explain. Don't get him wrong, Changgu can cook but only to some extent and he really didn't want to eat the same things for 2 weeks in a row. Returning his train of thought to the Chinese boy, he realized that he'll be stuck will all his hyper (crazy) friends. Changgu grimaced at the thought of the shy boy being stuck in the middle of that chaos. To try and save the boy, he decided to text his friends to tell them to hold off a little.

The Popular Bit- NICE Kids

Yeolo: So who named the chat this time

Hue: Shinwon

Animalspirit: Until Kino interfered

Cute: We aren't B****es

You'reinshin: We can still have it as the chat name though

Weirdo: Keep it somewhat kid-friendly

You'reinshin: Everyone in the chat is a college student

Hue: Profanity-free then

You'reinshin: Kinda boring if you ask me

Weirdo: But we didn't ask

Yeolo: OOF

Yeolo: Anyway, remember that I have the switching lives project for the next 2 weeks?

Cute: Yeah

Hue: Weird project by the way

Yeolo: Don't look at me I'm not the teacher

Yeolo: It's for one of my general classes

Yeolo: We're really just the teacher's guinea pigs, to be honest

Yeolo: Not the point

Yeolo: The boy I'm switching lives with is a Chinese exchange student

Yeolo: He's very quiet and I assume shy so tone it down with him until he gets used to you guys

Yeolo: We don't want to scare him out of his wits during his first few days of school

Weirdo: I feel bad for him

Weirdo: Getting this crazy project immediately after moving to a new country

Weirdo: Imagine that

Hue: We'll be careful don't worry

Cute: Try not to die when cooking by the way

Animalspirit: Try not to burn down the place

Yeolo: ThAnks

Changgu rolled his eyes at his friends' weirdness. He really hoped they wouldn't intimidate the Chinese student right away. Putting his phone in his pocket, he decided to head out to the nearest café. Putting on his shoes, coat, and scarf, he grabbed his keys and left the house. Getting into his car, he drove to a small café no more than 8 minutes away. After locking his car, he quickly walked into the café basking in the warm air and coffee aroma that enveloped him. He walked to the counter and ordered a peppermint hot cocoa topped with whipped cream and crushed candy canes and sat at a table looking out the window. After getting his drink, he stared out the window as a light snow began falling making everything more comforting. After mulling over random thoughts that popped into his head, he notices a tall, bundled up figure getting out of a car and walking to the door of the café. He watched as the figure walked to the counter and ordered before it sat down in a booth. As the figure unwrapped the scarf and took off his hat, he realized that it was the Chinese student he was to switch lives with. Chaggu contemplated on going over to introduce himself but as soon as the other boy sat down with his drink, he pulled out a laptop, plugged in his earbuds, and began typing. Soon after, the boy began speaking in what Changgu assumed was Chinese. Deciding to leave the boy alone, Changgu turned back around and took out his phone instead. He decided to scroll through his Instagram feed until he finished his drink. Looking at the time, he realized it's been an hour since he left the house and decided to go home. Changgu got up, stole a glance at the Chinese boy who was still chatting, and left to go home.

Yanan looked out the window. He saw that a light snow had begun and thought that it would be perfect if he had some hot cocoa or tea while sitting in front of the fireplace. As he looked into the pantry, he realized that he needed to go buy cocoa powder and tea leaves if he wanted to actually do that. So, bundling up and grabbing his things, Yanan headed off to a nearby grocery store. After getting the essentials and more, Yanan was driving home with his groceries when he noticed a cute café. He decided that it wouldn't hurt to get a cup of tea and relax in there for a while. After walking in and getting a green tea, he sat down in a booth and pulled out his laptop. He smiled at the chat request his friends had sent him and quickly logged on.

"Yanannie!!" Jun exclaimed once the video chat went live.

"Junnie!" Yanan greeted back.

"Omg Yanan! How are you?! We miss you Shanghai prince!" Jiacheng exclaimed as soon as his connection was established.

"I told you to stop call me Shanghai prince!" Yanan whined blushing at the tip of his ears.

"But you're from Shanghai and well... look at you. Visuals fit for royalty." Zhennan pointed out as everyone nodded in agreement.

"Not you too Minghao!" Yanan exclaimed.

"I can't disagree with facts Yanan." Minghao shrugged.

"Where are you right now Yanannie?" Jun asked.

"In a cute little café. I had to get some groceries and I saw this place driving back so I decided to sit and relax for a bit. Plus, now I get to drink green tea, chat with you guys, and watch the snowfall." Yanan shrugged.

"Ooh it's snowing over there?" Jiacheng asked excited at the mention of snow.

"Kinda early for snow though..." Zhennan trailed off.

"I don't know... must be a freak snow shower then. Though it is the end of October already." Yanan pointed out. "I wish I didn't transfer months after the school year started."

"You should tell them about the weird project you have Yanan." Minghao said.

"Got to love projects..." Zhennan rolled his eyes.

"Oh, you're going to lOVE this one." Yanan said sarcasm thick in his voice.

Yanan spent the next 30 minutes ranting about his ridiculous project that was starting tomorrow while his friends made occasional comments. By the time he finished, his green tea was gone and the snow had stopped. Collectively deciding to end the call, all 5 boys logged off after a stream of goodbyes and promises to chat again soon. When Yanan got home, he put away his groceries, packed the small things he needed to take, and got ready for bed, dreading the day to come.

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