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"I'M LEAVING! I'LL SEE YOU GUYS IN TWO WEEKS AND PLEASE BE NICE TO THE BOY COMING TO LIVE HERE!" Changgu yelled as he walked out the dragging a suitcase and a duffle bag along with his backpack.


"Wow. Not even 'be safe' or something like that." Changgu huffed putting his luggage in the trunk of his car.

"Okay... clothes, laptop, chargers, earbuds, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, brush, ummmmmm I should be good?" Yanan mumbled to himself as he went through his mental checklist.

Grabbing his backpack, he grabbed his luggage and walked out of the apartment door. He put everything in the trunk of his car and drove off to school. When he reached the university campus, he parked his car and got out. He didn't manage to walk very far before he bumped into another boy.

"Oh sorry. I wasn't really looking at where I was going." The boy apologized as he looked up from a flyer. "You wouldn't happen to know where the bilinguals club room is... do you?"

"There's a bilingual's club?"

"Yeah. I think it's new. I'm trying to find it cause it's probably the only club I can do."

"Sorry I don't know much about the school, to be honest."

"That's okay. If you don't mind my asking, what's your name?"

"Oh, it's Yanan."

"Nice to meet you Yanan. I'm Yuto."

"So Yuto, are you a new student?"

"Yeah. Joined at the beginning of the year from Japan but I still have no idea where anything is, to be honest. I'm guessing you are too?"

"Yeah. I moved from China and joined about a week ago."

"That's cool. How are you adjusting?"

"Okay, I guess... although I have this really insane project I have to get through."

"Is it that one where you switch lives with another person? The rumors have been going around."

"That's the one... oh hey, if there really is a bilingual's club, maybe I can join after these 2 weeks are over."

"Well, why don't you come with me right now? You can put your name down and then come after your project is done."

"That sounds like a good idea. Now we just need to find the room."

Yuto nodded and they headed off in the direction of the school. After 20 minutes of searching, the two finally found the room hidden away at the end of a random hallway. When they entered, Yanan gestured for Yuto to speak.

"Um... is this the bilingual's club?" Yuto asked causing the other two boys in the room to raise their heads.

"Yes! I'm Hongseok and this is Jinho. Are you guys interested in joining the club?" The taller of the two exclaimed standing up.

"I'm Yuto and this is Yanan. And we are interested in joining.'

"That's great. You can just write your name down on this sheet of paper. We have meetings around every two weeks. Most likely on Wednesdays and the first meeting's next week." Jinho spoke up getting up from his seat.

"Oh, I have to say though, I can't attend until the next 2 weeks are over."

"Oh, are you doing the switching lives project?" Hongseok asked.

"I thought that was a joke." Jinho asked a little confused.

"I wish it was. But yeah. I have to switch lives with Yeo Changgu." Yanan sighed.

"Oh, the popular boy..." Yuto said.

"Well good luck with that. We'll give you moral support." Jinho smiled.

As the bell rang, the 4 bid their goodbyes before separating to their classes. Unfortunately for Yanan, the day passed by in the blink of an eye. At the end of the day, he walked into his classroom to meet with Changgu.

"Hey! You're Yanan, right? You're the boy I'm switching lives with?" Changgu greeted as soon as he saw the tall boy walk in.

"Um yeah I guess so. You must be Changgu then." Yanan replied a bit awkward.

"Yeah. So, I told the clubs that I'm in that I won't be coming to meetings for the next 2 weeks so you don't need to go unless you want to. I also told my friends to dial down the crazy but if they still seem crazy... I'm sorry I tried. And... uh... oh! That's my address if you didn't already have it and a key. I'm sorry you have to do this... especially with me. This whole project is crazy." Changgu informed before whispering the last part.

"Thanks for that. I'm only in one club but I also told them that I wouldn't come to the next meeting so you also don't have to go unless you want to. I don't really have any friends besides ones back in China so I'm afraid you'll be alone for the next 2 weeks... sorry about that. This is my address if you didn't already have it and my key. And it's okay... I think we all wish this project didn't exist."

"Well, it was nice to meet you Yanan. I hope that we can be friends once these 2 weeks end. I'm gonna go but before I leave, the teacher's changed the assignment so we go to our own classes. The other teachers didn't approve of the project interfering with their coursework."

"Thanks for telling me."

Changgu waved before walking out of the classroom. Yanan sighed looking down at the piece of paper in his hands. After contemplating his life choices for a moment, he walked out to his car and headed off to his new house for the next two weeks. When he arrived, he gaped at the large house standing in front of him. It was much bigger than his house back in China that's for sure. He pulled his luggage out of the car and walked up to the front door but before he could use the key he was given, the door opened to reveal a woman.

"Oh! I'm sorry I wasn't expecting you to be this early. Are you Yanan?"

"Um yes... Are you Changgu's sister?"

"Oh no sweetie I'm his mother. But thank you for that compliment. Why don't you come in and I'll show you to Changgu's room so you can settle in."

"Thank you."

Once Yanan was left in Changgu's room, he looked around. The room was neat and tidy with a few posters of k-pop groups on the wall. There was a shelf above a desk that held a few albums as well. He set his luggage down in a corner before sitting on the bed. He pulled out his phone to find a message from Jun.


Junhui^.^: Good luck with your project Yanannie! We're all giving moral support for you to survive the next two weeks

Junhui^.^: Also, we're planning to video chat tomorrow at 6 pm your time so we'll see you then

Yanannie: Thanks Junnie! Tell the others I said thanks too! I'll see you guys tomorrow night then.

Smiling, Yanan set his phone down and laid on the bed. This wasn't too bad just yet. He just hopes it'll stay that way.

Changgu walked into the apartment and noted how clean it was. It was very organized where everything was where everything should be. He saw the collection of k-pop albums and lightsticks that the boy had and he was partially envious. Moving to the bedroom, he set his things down before going back to the living room. He noticed that he would need to start cooking soon if he wants to eat but he decided to push that off a little longer. It's only been a few minutes but the project was going well for now. But he also knew that that could change once he tried to make dinner. Changgu prayed he wouldn't burn the place down.


A/N: I'm sorry if you guys keep getting notifications about updates Wattpad keeps messing up my formatting.

~Admin Jin

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