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It's been a week since the project had started and tired was an understatement for Yanan. His professors decided it was a good time to assign a bunch of projects and assignments all at once and Yanan would be lying if he said he got a good amount of sleep every night. In addition to that, Changgu's friends, which are technically his friends as well, had been inviting him out a lot more. Which he was grateful for but it didn't change the fact that he didn't get to take his daily naps after classes because of it. Long story short, it was Saturday and Yanan woke up at noon.

He groaned as he rolled over in bed and looked at the time, He was contemplating going back to sleep before his stomach rumbled meaning he needed to make lunch instead. Reluctantly, he got out of bed and did his morning routine except for changing out of his pajamas because why would he change out of comfortable clothes when he was just going to stay home? He shuffled into the kitchen and decided to make sauté beef with white rice. He figured he could just make the food now and reheat the leftovers for his dinner. Changgu's parents were still gone on their business trip so the house was still quite silent besides the sounds of Yanan cooking. Deciding that he couldn't take the silence anymore, he pulled out his speaker and hit shuffle on his music. Feeling better with the music in the background, Yanan continued to cook the beef that was sitting in the pan.

Changgu was honestly no better than Yanan. In fact, he was worse. He woke up at 1:30 after he had stayed up to watch the latest episode of a drama on tv. He was so groggy that he didn't even process the growing hunger arising in his stomach until he started brushing his teeth. Shuffling into the kitchen, Changgu made some ramen after deciding he didn't want to put a lot of effort into his food. In all honesty, Changgu was bored. He didn't have any plans, he (for once) didn't have any homework over the weekend and he didn't know what to do with himself. Debating on whether or not he should just go to sleep again, his phone rang snapping him out of his thoughts. He took a glance at the contacts and noticed it was Jinho.


"Hey, Changgu. Are you free today?"

"Yeah. What's up?"

"Well, Hongseok, Yuto, and I were planning to go to the mall. You wanna come?"

"Sounds great. I was wondering what I should do today anyway."

"Awesome! We're going to the Fantasystic Mall cause it's bigger. Meet you there at 3?"

"Sure. We can meet in the food court or something."

"Alright. See you soon!"


Changgu glanced at the clock and quickly finished his meal after realizing that it was already 2 in the afternoon. He cleaned his mess up and ran to his room to throw some clothes on. Deciding on a simple oversized yellow hoodie with baby blue ripped jeans, Changgu put on some sneakers, grabbed his wallet and keys, and walked out of the apartment.

Once he got in his car, he connected his phone to the sound system and pressed shuffle on his music before pulling out and driving away.

Yanan was half mindedly surfing channels of the tv when his phone buzzed.


Hue: Hey Yanan! We're planning to go to Fantasystic Mall to hang out at around 4. If you're free you should come!

Yanangel: Sure! Where are you guys meeting?

Hue: Kino wants to hit up the new arcade... Round 1?... Round 2?

Hue: Something along those lines

Yanangel: Sounds good. I'll see you guys at 4 then.

Hue: Cool

Glancing at the clock, Yanan noticed it was 1:30. He looked it up and saw that it only took him 15 minutes to drive to the mall. That meant that he could take a two-hour nap, wake up at 3:30, get ready, leave at 3:45, and still get there on time. Seeing the opportunity, Yanan took it because let's face it, the sleep deprivation was getting to him. So, setting an alarm for 3:30, Yanan laid down on the couch, grabbed a blanket, and went to sleep.

"Who in their right mind would wear that?" Jinho asked in disbelief starting at a bright neon green crop top with black spots.

Changgu had been roaming the mall with Jinho, Hongseok, and Yuto for a solid 45 minutes but none of them had found a store that seemed interesting enough to go into. Most of the stores they passed by just had strange clothing that made all of them question why it was ever made.

"...fashion's weird." Yuto shrugged as they kept on walking.

"Oh hey, what about this store?" Changgu suggested pointing at a white store with the words Summer Pastels written in elegant cursive.

The others nodded and they all proceeded to walk in, splitting off to browse the small store. Changgu ended up buying a pastel pink sweater, Jinho a pastel blue hoodie, Hongseok a pastel purple hoodie, and Yuto a pastel green sweater.

"Oh hey, there's an arcade over there... maybe we should check it out." Jinho pointed out.

"...Round 1?  Sounds cool." Yuto agreed.

The quartet made their way into the arcade and was immediately taken aback at the vast variety of games in the place. They wandered their way through the entire place, finding karaoke, ping pong, archery, even bowling.

"I say we do karaoke." Changgu says as they wait in line for the front desk.

"What about arcade games?" Yuto asked.

"Why not both?" Jinho suggested.

"I say that's a great idea. Then we can get dinner at the food court afterward." Hongseok said.

Collectively agreeing, the four rented a karaoke room and each bought a game card. When they turned around and began walking towards the karaoke rooms, they bumped into some all too familiar people.

"...Yanan?" Changgu asked noticing the tall figure in front of him with his back turned.


A/N: It's Yanan's birthday guys!!! I hope he's feeling better and I hope he knows that he is loved. I hope he sees Universe's messages to him and I hope that he has an amazing day and an amazing and healthy year!!!

~Admin Jin

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