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Youngjae has been feeling a bit lonely recently. It seemed like every time he turned around, there was a couple somewhere rubbing their relationship off in his face. Of course they don't mean to do it purposely, but it just annoyed Youngjae to see couples together.

He complained about this openly as well, often talking with the other members about how sick and tired he was of being single. He wanted someone to hold, to cuddle with, to kiss; all that jazz. But of course, there was no one there for Youngjae to have that with, and no one wanted to have anything with Youngjae either. He wasn't super desperate for a mate, Youngjae still has standards and preferences, but he honestly couldn't stop thinking about how good it would feel to lay in bed with someone and talk about random stuff after a good night of sex.

That's all he really wanted, and that's what he often complained about not having. The other members always got sick of his complaints, often telling him to just stop talking about it, or if he was really desperate, to go have a one night stand or something. Youngjae never wanted to do anything like that. He wanted a real relationship, where him and the other person just clicked. He'd tell the other members that, but of course none of them really cared, they're all too busy worrying about their own needs. Everyone except Mark, that is.

Mark would listen to Youngjae the most, often sitting for nearly an hour talking about how he was longing for a relationship. Mark would be the only one to try and make Youngjae feel better, the couch often being the place that they frequent for their talks. Youngjae appreciated Mark always lending him his ear since no one else would, it made him feel like at least someone else cared.

Youngjae had been getting closer to Mark recently anyway. Their relationship at first had been awkward, but now it's anything but. Youngjae has noticed Mark trying really hard to get closer to him, so he decided to put in a bit of effort too. Now, Mark is probably one of the closest people to Youngjae.

Mark seemed to just be naturally clingy. When Youngjae would walk by him, he would always reached out and pat him on the shoulder or something. There has also been times where one of their talks on the couch ended with some warm cuddling. And almost everywhere Youngjae goes, Mark seemed to be somewhere nearby. Youngjae feels as if Mark is protective of him, watching carefully over him to make sure he's okay. If something seems wrong with Youngjae, Mark is always the first to ask, and always the first to make him feel better.

Youngjae enjoyed how much Mark cared for him all the time, and it seemed like recently, the elder has been getting even closer. Youngjae did enjoy it, and he was grateful to have such a caring friend, but there has been a few times recently where Mark seemed to go a bit far.

Especially one day, when Youngjae was heading to the bathroom to shower and he ran into Mark who was walking the opposite direction. Mark greeted him like usual with a pat on his shoulder until he saw the towel in Youngjae's hands.

"What are you doing? Going to shower?" Mark asked.

Mark has been asking Youngjae questions like that a lot recently. He always wanted to know what Youngjae was doing, or where he was going. At first it seemed like a bit of normal curiosity, but now it seemed a bit excessive. Youngjae didn't hesitate to answer though, since Mark wasn't doing him any harm by asking.

"Oh, yeah. I always shower at this time." Youngjae said with a light chuckle.

Mark nodded, chewing on his bottom lip as he stared at the younger. "Do you... need help?"

Youngjae furrowed his brows, the question catching him, off gaurd. That was a really weird question to ask, and he had no idea what context it was in. "U-Um... help with what?"

Mark glanced away briefly before his eyes settled back on Youngjae. "Y'know... showering?"

Youngjae's jaw dropped open a bit before he quickly closed it. Mark had been asking Youngjae recently if he needed help with a lot of things, from washing dishes to doing laundry. He was grateful for the help, but this was a whole different level. He was confused as to why Mark was asking this, and he suddenly felt a tad bit uncomfortable standing in front of him.

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