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~No one's POV~ 

2 years later Jeongin has healed from his wounded heart. Just like everyone figured Felix was the one to help him heal. Everyone was very close to him but as the days went by everyone noticed the change in both Felix and Jeongin. Everyone has been trying to put their finger on it but couldn't. Before Felix was always sitting next to Jeongin to make sure he was always calm or if he needed a shoulder to cry on although he soon stopped when he figured Jeongin was better. Jeongin on the other hand felt......lonely and betrayed but tried not to say much because he didn't want Felix's boyfriend to think of him as stealing Felix by just wanting his attention. 

Jeongin was always the type who love attention especially now after what has happened in his life. Jeongin has been trying to hide his need for Felix's attention by keeping away from him when everyone comes over, he always sits far from him, and doesn't text him as much unlike how he use to. For months the others figured it was Jeongin just going back to his original self so no one ever questioned why he stopped being so clingy. Jeongin was pushing himself away but what he didn't realize was that him being distant wasn't just from pain of needing Felix's attention but his love.

Jeongin after a while of trying to push back his feelings he couldn't handle it anymore. Soon he started sit next to Felix again and would grab his small hand and play with them while the others where around. He would even start texting Felix non-stop even when it was 3 in the morning and he knew Felix was sleeping.  Chan and Woojin has been watching Jeongin's actions change instantly before the others. 

For the past month Chan and Woojin have been in a group chat with everyone but Felix and Jeongin, to talk about Jeongin's sudden change of affection towards Felix. Them being the supportive and crackheads they are figured Jeongin has a small crush on Felix. So everyday Felix came over to play with Jeongin. All the guys would watch the two with a wide ass smile on their face. They also noticed how Felix would always stay over longer then everyone else to just be with Jeongin, but all of them quickly noticed for the passed week Felix was with his boyfriend more and Jeongin being very upset by Felix's absence. So everyday for that whole week they always took him somewhere to forget about what was bothering him. 

Everyone has been coming over and staying longer to try and fulfill the place Felix normally takes to help Jeongin not be as sad. Although they have done everything they could think of they can still see behind his cute smile he was sad. His eyes wouldn't shine as bright especially if they did something him and Felix use to do. This made them all very worried for the younger male and his little heart. 

Present day

It was a Saturday afternoon and has been raining cats and dogs all day. Jeongin was in his room all day while Woojin and Chan were watching movies curled up on the couch snuggling in blankets. They didn't bother waking Jeongin up as it's just the weekend and it was raining out to just let him sleep in.

".....channie....woojin...." Jeongin said softly as he came downstairs with a stuffed bear Felix bought him a while ago to make him feel less lonely. Chan looked up and widened his eyes at what he saw. Jeongin looked so fragile....hair a mess and long as he hasn't had a hair cut in 2 months. His eyes red and puffy, he is wearing one of Felix's shirts he borrowed one day and never gave back and it was hanging off one shoulder. It clearly had tear stains on it as the bottom of it was wet from Jeongin wiping his tears with it. 

 Woojin looked up to Jeongin an instantly turned off the TV and hurriedly went over to Jeongin and brought him to the couch and put the blankets over him and hugged him. "Innie~ what's wrong why were you crying?" Chan said as he rubbed his head lightly scared to break him. Woojin held Jeongin's hand and rubbed it as he looked super worried. "Did you have a nightmare?" Woojin said and Jeongin looked down.

Love Triangle { Felix + Jeongin + You}Where stories live. Discover now