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Week Later

~No One's Pov~

Chaewon and Stray kids have been getting along pretty well. They noticed how awkward she really is around people and how she always is just in the back watching. They thought it was quite cute mainly because of how much he hasn't really been around people. Jeongin always tries to get her to join in games they play as he feels bad for leaving out but she never really joins as she feels unwanted. Felix notices how upset he gets when she says no but tries to cheer him up by kissing him on the cheek or back hugging him and putting his chin on the younger boys head.

The boys have been just as loud and weird like they always are, always watching Felix and Jeongin carefully as they don't want them upset anymore and happy to see them getting closer. Chaewon still isn't use to them being loud so sometime she will look very overwhelmed and some what scared but shake it off. Although they do leave Chaewon alone Jeongin has been noticing it her reactions time to time and would make fun of her in a friendly manner but to Chaewon she didn't think it was a friendly manner because she doesn't know the difference from jokes and being serious.

So after he jokes around she would glare at Jeongin and crack her neck as it was a reflex she did when she didn't like something. Felix would notice that and always hug him protectively. Like just know for instance.

Jeongin was laughing and pointing his finger at her making his voice in a teasing way but friendly while everyone laughed at what they are witnessing. Chaewon just glared at him wanting to slit his neck and watch him cough up blood and die right before her eyes while smiling happily but she could. Felix watched as she cracked her neck while glaring at him that looked more threatening then she ever has looked at him with. He pulled Jeongin into his lap and wrapped his arms around his body protectively around his small waist.

"Jeongin don't say that." Felix whispered in his ear making Jeongin stop laughing and look at Felix confused. Chaewon sighed and looked at her feet and played with her feet as she felt the knife in her right shoe move around little. Jeongin looked at Felix who was staring at Chaewon and looked over at Chaewon. He felt bad and walked over to her. "Woni?......" He said softly making her jump little as she was in her own head not noticing that he was next to her.

She looked up at Jeongin and widened her eyes when she saw how close he was and backed up and fell back and smoothly did a back flip and look at him with stare all of them were shocked by because she gave him that same stare from earlier but it looked even more scarier somehow.  Eyes that looked like she wanted to kill. "Woni...i-i'm sorry i d-didn't mean to scare y-you...o-or make fun of you....i-i-i was just being friendly.....you know how f-friends are when they joke round." Jeongin said as he spoke scared to say something wrong.

Chaewon stood there for a minute and soon her eyes soften making everyone sigh in relief. "We're sorry Woni for being so loud." Jisung said as he walked over to her and hugged her. She stiffened at the hug but Jisung didn't care. "Sung don't make Woni feel uncomfortable you know she isn't use to being around people." Chan said as he pulled him away from her. Chaewon looked down and bit her lip. "I.....i'm go to the bathroom." She said and walked off without saying another word.

Everyone watched her leave feeling bad especially Jeongin and Jisung. "I just wanted to hug her." Jisung said as he pouted an Chan went and hugged him. "I know it's okay buddy." Chan said as he hugged Jisung and rubbed his head. Jeongin ran into Felix's arms and stuffed his face in his chest not wanting to cry. "Baby? What's wrong?" Felix asked but knew the answer just wanted him to say it for himself. "I-i must of scared her....i feel like a meanie." Jeongin said in a weak voice as he sniffled. Felix frowned and kissed his head and placed his chin on his head and rubbed circles on his back. "It's okay baby, She will get use to how we joke around she isn't use to it." Felix said.

Love Triangle { Felix + Jeongin + You}Where stories live. Discover now