F O U R; brad

386 26 11


i'm back with an update that actually has new content. I can't tell you how much i love writing this story and i hope i can keep it going! thanks for reads and votes on my last chapter, it means a lot that some of you guys are sticking around. 

I hope you enjoy this update!


Steam follows me like a phantom friend as I walk from the bathroom to the bedroom, my towel wrapped around my waist and dark hair dripping. I pause just outside my door when I hear Tristan talking to someone.

"I can't come." He says bluntly and I can hear his sternness. His voice is inexorable. "I told you last time that I don't want to anymore."

I don't have to be in the room to know who he's talking to, and I don't have to be in the room to imagine Tris' face or hear that voice drilling down the phone to him.

"Luke, I don't care if you miss me," Tristans voice drops low. "I don't want to hear it, not after last time-"
I walk into my bedroom, not willing to wait outside of it a second longer because of Tristan and his avid need for a conversation with Luke.

My blond friend leans over the edge of my bed, hunched, and his eyes barely snap up to mine before they meet the floor.

I slip some boxers on and I feel his eyes thawing at my back, diving down my spine as he listens to the 19 year old tell him about tickets to a boxing match on Friday.

"Listen, Lu," poison rips talons down my back at the nickname. "I can't talk right now. I'll ring you later."
and I'm not an angry person, but when I hear that Tris plans to talk to him again, something like anger drips down into my lungs.

Silence is never frosty between Tris & I. if you have a best friend, in the same way that I do, you'd know that you can sit for hours among silence, no words exchanged apart from changing the radio station or the TV channel and you can still be completely comfortable and warm in the quiet that you find resides there. but as the blue eyed boy hangs up the phone, I can't bring myself to turn and look at him.

I slip on a jumper, taking refuge in the ruffling it sounds in my ears.

I feel a hand on the small of my back.

"Please don't be mad."

His eyes his eyes his eyes.

"I'm not mad." Outright lie. "I just don't know why you even picked up the phone."
"He's not all bad-"

"if I asked you to name one positive from you knowing Luke, you couldn't."
"He's nice."

"yeah." I pause, looking back up from his chest to his face. "When you're high."

Tris looks down at his hands.

"Boys!" dad calls up the stairs, and we both grab our wallets, closing my windows and leaving my room, trailing the door shut behind me.

"What did he want, anyway?" I mumble as I descend the stairs.

"Just to hang out on Friday." He takes a breath, running a hand through his blond locks. "He's got a match he wants me to watch."
Luke is a boxer.

He's a no-good, drug taking, manipulative and rough north east London bloke. But he's also good at boxing and apparently wants Tris to meet up with him again.


I leave it at that, because I'm going to bother trying to tell him not to go.

I shake my head and shrug my shoulder.

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