S E V E N ; brad

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Hey beautiful people! 

i'm sorry it took me so long again; i know i promised i'd upload more seeing as it's summer but i'm just as busy now (which i'm not complaining about) and having lots of fun!

i'm still as excited as i was to write this story and i still have a fair few plans in mind so there will be more chapters, i promise haha. 

thank you for your support on this book! i really appreciate it. 

i hope you enjoy this! xxx


"Doesn't he live with you?" Sarah irks, her voice high and quiet. I nod, words feeling too much like a foreign language to me to speak. The corridors seem like an entirely different world to the bathroom; the bathroom where I just saw Tristan- spoke to Tristan, may as well be an alien planet.

Swarms of teenagers, predominantly irritating thirteen-year-old boys, run around, throwing water bottles while the girls squeal. I want to punch them..

And I know that's strong; but sometimes talking about my feelings, or talking to Tris, or talking about my feelings to Tris makes me feel that way. Maybe it digs up things beneath my surface that I've hid for too long.

Actually, I take that back; it makes me feel like I could rip apart Galaxies and kill people, Thanos style.

"What's he going to do now?" Jamie grunts, pushing a group of year 9's out the way. There's a smirk in his voice, not on his lips and I swear to God I could lose it.

They don't know him- why do they hate him so much?

Though, I'm hardly one to speak; I've been a huge asshole to him, but it's one of those things where you start digging a hole and you get to the point it'll be easier to finish the tunnel than to climb back to the top.

The rational thing to do what be to apologise; but we're both far too stubborn to do that. It's hardly like it's the first time we've argued, but it's certainly the first time it's been entirely my fault and that I've been a right asshole. We've never had to result to not talking for a couple of days, we typically make up within 24 hours because we're too emotionally attached to one another that it causes separation anxiety to be apart.

Shrugging my shoulders with mild indignation, I eschew from looking at their faces as I get to my locker.

"He'll probably stay with his boyfriend."

"-boyfriend?!" Sarah says, shocked and balking at the idea of Tristan being loved. Teenagers are dicks. "I thought he was into you."

At that, every head turns.

My blood boils.

I smile.

"It's always just been friendship." I reply, but there's this really shitty feeling in the bottom of my belly and this painful little twinge in the back of my mind. Because it's not like we've kissed... but it's not like I haven't thought about it.

And it's not like I don't always want to touch his hands or his neck or his side or his face and I'd be dumb to try and fool myself. And it's certainly not like in the time we've been apart I haven't hugely missed him and revolted at the thought of my empty bed each night.

Sarah is pretty.

Sarah is gorgeous, and I like girls, but I've always kind of liked boys, too.

It's hardly an epiphany, but it's this nag in my subconscious, tripping me up and making me feel insatiably guilty for some dumb intangible reason.

"You never no with gay guys, they fancy anyone," says Rory, a boy that looks awfully like an 'after' on the 'before and after pictures' for '10 years on crack'. He's a beanpole, a beanpole with a bumfluff moustache, droopy eyes that I want to scream at... explain that's not how it works, that just because you're gay doesn't mean you're attracted to every living breathing thing with the same genitalia as you.

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