Awakening part 2

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Guards rush about in the control center. She pushes her mask on. Tucking her strawberry blonde hair into the armor's hood. They shouted about intruders and commanded their units to their positions. To her it sounded like they were all being told to go to one spot. That was a dumb plan, She thought.
Suddenly Zren, the Galra general, pulled her aside.
"Prodigy 003, you are defense."
She nods.
"Yes sir, who do I report to?"
"You are on your own." With that, he left 003 alone in the very large, very empty control room.
Waiting alone felt tedious. She finally was in battle, something she had been training for since she arrived, and they just pushed her aside. Surely her talents were more than backup worthy. She had recieved top marks in accuracy and stealth and speed, not to mention her special tricks nobody else could do.
Slumping against the control room's door, she sat agitated listening to the faint sounds of battle.
She is knocked flat on her back, unfortunately balance was something she needed to work on, from the distant explosion.
Judging from the red lights and blaring sirens coming from the control room behind her, something broke.
Tension grows thicker in her spine as she waits, ready to snap at an instant. What if someone slipped past the Galra during the explosions? The air around her grows hotter the longer she waits.
Deep breaths soldier. She tells herself. To loose her hard fought control now is not an option.
Thump thump.
Footsteps echo down to her right, this is it, what she has prepared for.
The lights flicker above from the explosion.
Two black clothed ninjas appear from the corridor. They wore masks with three glowing circles on them.
She doesn't give them a chance. Pulling a knife from her belt, she whips it towards the shorter one, igniting it just before it leaves her hand.
It would have hit it in the chest if they didn't roll behind a box first.
Coward. Well I mean I guess he wants to live, but hiding is cowardly.
Both jump out at the same time, easily, she knocks the smaller one down by channeling energy to her punching arm.
The taller one runs towards her, leaping over her head at the last second, sprinting towards the control room.
Nuh uh, not today. 003 yanks out her retractable grappling hook and wraps it around the person's neck.
While she was busy with that one, the smaller one slams into 003s back, their elbow in her spine.
The air is sucked out of her lungs upon the impact. Stars swarm across her vision.
Victory or death.
003 stands up and chases after them. 
The two have hardly places the first explosive down when she launches a fireball at their heads.
Her sleeve melts back again, they still haven't been able to make a fireproof suit since the whole Galra empire fell apart, exposing her red hot hand.
The two dodge it again, so she extinguishes it with a clench of her fingers before it can spread far.
"Woah, hold up." The smaller one waves at the taller one.
"I see it."
"See what?" 003 can't help but ask. Must be her genes kicking through her training.
"You're human." The smaller one's distorted voice says.
"No I'm not." 003 waves her hands and brings another fireball to her hand.
"Yes you are, look, we can help you."
"Is that supposed to sway me? You think you can help me? Hah! You are dumber than I thought!!" 003 lunges towards him, she can tell its a him now, and shoves it in his face.
"Gah!" He cries out as she tackles him. Her fist connects to his jaw first then her other fist into his cheekbone.
With a satisfying crunch, his creepy three eyed mask disintegrates.
"Look! Ugh! You are" he rolls forwards, pinning 003's shoulders.
"You're under the influence of quintessence! We can help you!" His hood falls off revealing a mass of luxurious dark hair almost concealing his sparkly grey eyes. On his right cheek, a pink scar crawls up his pale skin.
"I was born this way." 003 snaps out of it and bucks, launching him head over heels.
"Nobody can help me." She kicks him down on his back.
"Say goodnight." 003 wills herself to pull heat from her core, trickling it to her fingertips. Pulling back her fist, she realized her mistake.
The other one.
To little to late.
The room explodes around her.
It is all she can do to keep herself protected, as well as the guy below her.

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