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Bombs blow up around him, casting dirt into his eyes, scratching across his corneas.

Keith dodges past the chunks of wall hurdling towards him, set ablaze by the volcanic gas in the air. He turns to see the breach the newest bomb made in the massive brick building.
The rouge Galra soldiers pour out of the gap like bees from their upsetted nest.

Next to him, Shiro rushes past, with Curtis under his wing. Ever since he had that one episode where his body paralyzed due to stress, the Garrison had him under 24-hour surveillance with a bodyguard at all times. Keith had offered to do it full time, but they said no.

The two, Shiro and Curtis, made a great team. With Shiro on offensive and Curtis on defense, nobody could stop them. They sliced and diced their way through the herd of soldiers, nonetheless more and more kept rushing up to replace the ones they knocked down.

Behind Keith, Lance has his back on defense.

To his left, Pidge drives her bayard into her closest opponent. Whipping around, she releases the blade and it digs itself into another.

Focus Keith he tells himself. His job was to infiltrate and explode. Not a hard one as long as you forget to add the 'not dying in explosion' to the list. Although, this base was under the top five most dangerous places to be eliminated list, so the mission's comletency would come before his making it alive. According to their recources this was an old harboring dock that stored quintessence. Not only that, but they found out that not only had they been storing it, they have been experimenting on humans with it after they figured out what would happen if they did. Mixing a plant with quintessence had been bad enough, Keith had seen that firsthand, so mixing it with a human.

Punishable by death.

Keith hacks at at the nearest soldier, slipping past him, Lance and Keith barrel through the edge of the Galra's battlefield.

Past the crater they were all inside, six ships land. One small and black, the others Keith recognizes as an MFE fighter. Even more dust overwhelms everyone, making visibility poor, and the battle ceases as they all cough out their lungs.

Four small figures jump into the frey from the black ship. And the from the five others, James Griffin, Ryan Kinkade, Veronica McClain, Naida Rizavi, and Ina Leifstoddir leap to the fight.

Picking up where they left off, the Galra resume the battle.

Keith swipes at his opponents feet, tripping him, and drives the butt of his knife into the soldier's temple, knocking him unconcious. Next to him, Griffin, Lance, two black figures, and Veronica bring up all his sides, creating a bubble around him.
"Go Keith!! We'll cover you!" Griffin nudges him.

"I'm coming!" One of the black figures pulls back her mask, revealing his mother dressed in her marmora aromor.

"Go!" Lance presses on his back, shoving him out of the way of a lazer.
Keith checks to make sure the explosives are still in tact on his belt before pulling his own marmora mask on.

Plunging through the choking point, where the hole had been blown in the base's wall, Keith and his mother manage to squeeze past.

Inside, their feet echo loudly on the tiled floor as they run towards the center of the base.

The base seems eerily empty.
They encounter nobody, reaching a crossroads Keith thinks it best to check in with the map.

"Hunk, come in over." Keith mutters through his com in his helmet.
"Cinnamon roll coming in, alien boy, do you copy. Over"

"I copy. Over." He rolls his eyes at the awful codenames he insisted on using.

"Go ahead then alien boy, over."
"All I needed to know was which way to go, over."

"Scanners say left, but something has been screwing with it . . Probably the toxic gas in the atmosphere."

"Left it is, over and out."

Keith and Krolia turn left, that's odd, it feels warmer here. That must mean the base's control center is close.
Never mind.

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