Brooklyns christmas tour

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You and Brooklyn have been dating for 1 year Brook and the boys are on the Christmas tour and they have one more place till they get to London , you have been excited because you are going to suprise him on tour ,, you have decided to tell Jack and all the boys because they are Brooks best friends .

Chloe🦋: Hi Jack x

Jack🍀: Hi Chloe are you okay x

Chloe🦋: Yeah you know the surprise that we have planned for Brooklyn x

Jack🍀: Yeah what's wrong ??

Chloe🦋:Nothing,nothing I am just getting really nervous because it is nearly time for the tour near me x

Jack🍀:Don't worry everything will go to plan . I will make sure that he doesn't know you are coming x

Chloe🦋:Okay thank you Jack , (message from brooky 💍) Brook just texted me I will talk to you later x

Jack🍀: Okay talk to you later x

Texting with Brook

Brooky💍: Babe 💓💓

Chloe💕: yes brooky 💓

Brooky💍: I wish that you are here,  I can not wait to have you in my arms again 😭💓

Chloe💕: there is only 4 days of tour left I will see you soon 💓❤

Brooky 💍: but I don't want you then I want you now 💓😘😍

Chloe 💕: want to see you as well but you need to focus for the next couple of days 💓❤

Brooky 💍: Okay I will focus only because of you 💓💕

Chloe💕: Go to sleep cause it is 01:45 you need to rest so you can sing 💕
Good night brooky💓❤

Brooky 💍:Night baby 💕💓

The next chapter will be about the day you go and see them on tour I am stopping now cause I want to see Mikey live bye xx

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