Ryan Beaumont

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You and rye have been dating for 3 years and it is your 22nd birthday you moved in with Rye and the boys 6 months ago ,, and you have a surprise for Rye ...

Rye- 'Good morning beautiful '

Shona- ' Morning handsome ' you give rye a quick peck on the cheek as you go to the bathroom but rye pulls you back to bed

Rye- ' Where are you going Babe '

Shona - ' to the bathroom to get ready for a run '

Rye - ' okay I will be here for when you get back '

You walk to the bathroom and get in the shower and go into Ryes room to get some cloths until you feel a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist ,

Shona - ' Rye , baby , Ryan let me get dressed so we can go out '

Rye - ' Not until the say the 3 magic words ' He says as he squeses you tighter

Shona- ' I love you ' You say smiling

You feel the strong arms let loose as you walk to the bathroom .. After tour morning run , you head back to Ryes room and get ready for the evening because you are you g for a meal with Rye

You walk down the stairs and Rye sees you ,

Rye - ' WOW,' He says in amazement

Shona- ' Like what you ..'You run back upstairs because you feel like you are going to be sick

'Mmmm' you say after throwing up

Rye runs upstairs to Check on you and holds your hair back

Rye - ' Are you okay ,' Rye asks with a concern look

Shona-' yeah ,I did have something to tell you but I was going to do it on the date but it would make more sense now '

You look in your bag and take out a stick with two lines going down and you give it to rye ,

Shona - ' Rye , I'm pregnant ,' you say crying with happiness

Rye - ' Babe are you Pranking me right now because if you are it's not funny '

Shona - ' Rye , why would I joke about this I know that you have wanted to have a family for a long time know ,'

Rye- ' wait so , are you actually sure that you are pregnant '

Shona - ' yeah I have never been more sure of anything ' You can see that Rye starts to Cry so you hug him ,

You and rye go downstairs and tell the boys that you are pregnant and they all start cheering ,

7 months later You give birth to a beautiful baby girl called isabella
And 5 months later You and rye get married ..

So this is an imagine that will be going on my Instagram @x._georgia.duff_.x

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