Brooklyn christmas Tour part 2

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This is a part 2 from the 1st run I will do eye and so on 😘

So today is the day the boys are doing the London Tour and you are so nervous you couldn't really get any sleep because you were planning on what you were going to say until you got a text from Jack and the boys from the group chat,,

Group chat

Chloe😋:Morning boys this is the last tour I am so excited to see you today Brook still doesn't know does he ??

Andy🌵: Good morning chloe,no I don't think so ,, does he lads

Rye🐝:No not that I know of ,

Mikey🦑: No he doesn't

Jack🍀: Don't worry Chloe room didn't know a thing I have it all under control.

Chloe😋: thank you boys for helping me do this I love you 💜

All: We live you to Chloe 💙💚💛🧡

When you wake up you go and take a shower and was your face , Then you pick out your outfit that you think Brook would really like you then do your makeup putting on your foundation, concealer, highlighter, eyeshadow ,eyelashes and eyebrows trying to keep it natural , you then put your hair into a messy bun .

2 hours later you leave your house and go down to the area where they are playing you stand in the middle of the room with all the other girls waiting and screaming for road trip , soon after you hear a familiar voice screaming 'Wats up London ' you start to smile cause you know that it was Brook

They sang all the tour songs , mistaken , stranger , no no no ,Take this home , don't break my heart , and after the show . All the lights go off and you make your way to the meet and great section you don't rush because you want to be near the back of the line . While you were waiting you and the boys (mostly jack) made eye contact multiple times

Eventually it was your turn , Brook looked over to you and rubbed his eyes tho king that he was dreaming and you stated tearing up because you haven't seen him in months.

You run up to him and he runs up to you kisses you

B- 'Chloe , how? What? Why are you here ?'

C- 'I came to surprise you on tour, surprise !'

B- 'i am so happy that you are here I have waited for so long '

C- ' Brook, there is something that I have been meaning to ask you question '

Brooks face faded from a smile to a frown in seconds ,

B-'Chloe what's wrong , what have I done ? I am sorry for whatever I ha e done Just please forgive me '

C- 'Brook , baby it's nothing bad I just want to see you an import and question ' Brook smiled in relief

C-Brook we have been dating for 1 year Nd I wanted to know ,, do you want to be my boyfriend ?'

You both stand their in silence for what feels like ages , you start tearing up thinking he was going to reject you until he broke the silence

B- 'Chloe I was going to ask you the same question when we got back from tour '

C- 'So is that a yes because I am getting a bit embarrassed ,'You look behind and see some of the roadies behind you recording

B-'I would love to be tour boyfriend Chloe you are my world I don't know what I would do without you '

You and Brook kiss while everyone starts cheering and from that day on you and Brook live a happy healthy life

A/N this is the end of Brooklyn Wyatt hope you enjoyed it ,💕

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