Rye beaumont New years eve

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Today you are going with Rye, the boys  and rye's family for new years ,,(A/N it sounds basic and boring but it won't be I promise )

It was a cold , rainy , windy day for such a special day as today ,

As you and rye were sitting down,you wrapped both of your legs on both sides of his body . He grabbed your waist , leaning his face into the crook of your neck , leaving small love bites along your collar bone

You were texting your friend who was in Bristol (your home town) saying that you miss her until Rye spoke,

"Shonedddddd, concentrate on me ,"He says as he grabbed  the piece of technology that was in your hands ,

You were about to argue with him but you felt a familiar touch against your lips as rye kissed you roughly but then softly, you pulled away , breathing heavily . You looked at Ryes chocolate eyes. Your noses brushing against each other , you felt his breath on your lips

"Shoned , I love you so much ,"he whispered in your ear

You let out a small laugh wrapping your arms carefully around his neck playing with his hair,

You laid you hard on his chest , listening to his heart beating . You look at the time on you phone that was placed behind Rye and it was 11:49. You pulled away and stood up and grabbed his hand,  going downstairs to where you meet with his family in the living room,

You were all in the living room watching the times square live, everybody started counting down the seconds till 12:00AM,  his arms were around  your waist

"5,4,3,2,1," you turn around to kiss rye but he is on one knee holding a ring in a box ,

"Shoned , I have loved you for a long time and I wanted to know , will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me ?"

You can not manage to get any words out of your mouth because you are crying so much,

"YES" you say jumping into Ryes arms , he puts you back down and places the ring on your finger

(A/N skip 2years later)

You and rye have been married for 1 and 1/2 years and you just gave births to 2 beautiful baby girls called violet and rose

(A/N this was another imagine that will be going on my Instagram page @x._georgiaduff_.x)

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