Ryan Beaumont

402 3 0

You are Andy's sister and you have a crush on his best friend Rye you have for 1 year and he invites you over because he has a surprise for you

You nock on the door and Andy opens it ,and hives tou a hug ,

Andy- 'Hey little sis' he says as hugging you tight

Poppy- ' Hey Andy how are you ?' You ask looking in the house

Andy- ' Are you alright poppy ' he asks suspiciously

Poppy- ' yeah I'm fine I was just looking for Rye because he asked me to come around '

Andy- ' yeah I know .... follow me '
he lets you in the house closing the door after you he leads you into the cinema room which was lit with candles and roses all over the floor , you looked up and saw Rye with a bunch of flowers in his hands he walks over to you and takes you to the middle of the room

Poppy - 'Rye what's going on ' you say shyly

Rye-' I wanted to ask you something I have wanted to for a long time ' Rye grabs tour hands and holds them

Poppy-'Rye I don't.. ' you say as rye cut you off and a Tear left your eye

Rye-' What I was trying to say , poppy I have loved you for a long time and I didn't now how to tell you ,' Rye wiped the tear away from your cheek

Rye-' poppy will you be my girlfriend ' you cover your mouth with your hands now your head

Poppy - ' yes , yes , yes I will be your girlfriend rye I have been waiting to tell you that I love you for ages '

Rye kisses you and you lay down in tour comfy cloths and watch Netflix and you eventually fall asleep on his chest as he cress tour hair

A/N I am putting this  imagine which will go on my Instagram           @x._georgia.duff_.x

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