ryan beaumont

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You were walking into ASDA because you needed some things . You began to shop and get some things that you needed . As you were shopping there were a loud group of people . You turned around and saw that one of the boys were wearing a yellow hoodie was cute .

He looked up and smiled at you and you looked away and carried on shipping and you didn't see him for a while ,

'Ugh why do i have to be so small ' Kayley says as she tried to reach for popcorn that was on the top shelf . In the corner of your eye you saw the boy with the yellow hoodie walk over ,

'Let me help you with that ' The boy said

You lose sight of what you were going to say because you start looking in his eyes , they are chocolate brown and you fall right into them , the boy had brown hair that was whipped to the side 

'thank you 'you say as he hands you the packet,

'What's your name , if you don't mind me asking '

'Its okay,my name is kayley '

'Nice to meet you kayley I'm Rye ' He says

'Well it's nice to meet you too Rye ' You say as you walk off and finish your shopping

You are heading out of Asda, the bags were heavy but you managed to keep a hold of them. You get outside and put them on the floor for a bit .

'You seem to be struggling there let me help you out ' You turn around and see Rye

' Oh hey Rye you don't have to but thank you . ' you say

'Its no problem really kayley' he picked up 2 full bags and you grabbed the other 2. You both began walking towards your car which was on the other side of the car park ,

'I know that this may sound odd because we have only just met , I think your really pretty and I want to get to know you more ' Rye says as you approach your car

'You seem like a nice guy. I would love to get to know you more as well ' you both smile.

You open the car boot and both place the shopping in there

'Here's my number .' Rye handed you a piece of small paper with it on

'Thank you ' you said holding it right.

'I guess that I will see you around ' he said with a smile

'Yeah it was nice meeting you' you say giving him a smile
'Yeah you too.  Bye ' Rye said before walking back to his mates who were calling him

'Bye,Rye' you say waving

'Bye , Kaylie see you soon ' he said back

You walk to the drivers seat and groin. And say to yourself 'That was a fun shop.i can't wait to hang out with Rye again.

A couple months later you and rye officially became a couple

》》This was another imagine for 《《my Instagram account 》》


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