chapter one

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First Mistake


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  DEAN WAS SITTING DOWN ON HIS BED. His hands covering his face in frustration. It was happening again. Cecilia hadn't come home all day and now it was way past midnight and she still hadn't arrived.

He was never one to let someone walk all over him, but with her it was different. He loved her, like he had never loved anyone before. He loved her like he loved Sam, but in a romantic way. And because of that love he let her do whatever she wanted.

If she wanted to break his heart, she was opened to do it. And that's exactly what she was doing. She came home late all the time smelling like men's cologne and her hair all tangled and when Dean tried to talked to her, she just ignored him and went to bed. The next day she would be all smiles and lovey-dovey with him, ignoring what had happened the night before.

And if Dean dared to bring it up it always ended in a fight and the two making up in bed. He felt as if she didn't love him from time to time, but then she would do some romantic crap and he would fall all over again those thoughts leaving his mind in an instant.

Truth be told Cecilia did love him. She loved him more than she loved herself, but she was scared of commitment. Her parents had divorced when she was four years old. They always told her that having a significant other was pointless, and that she should never settle down. So that's what she did, she never settled down always playing with boys left and right.

That was until she met Dean, she hadn't met a man like him before. His love tamed her as much as it could. She said yes, to being in a relationship with him and at first it was all flowers and rainbows. Until  Cecilia started to get bored of the same thing and met another man.

Toby Harrison, a 27 year old, architect. Who met Cecilia at the law firm she worked at, he was been sued by a client and she was going to represent him. They had a spark and soon that spark turned into an affair. Toby ended up falling for Cecilia, just like every man did. She stayed, as a part of her also loved him.

Dean knew about the affair with Toby, and it broke his heart. But he knew there was no way to change Cecilia, only time could do that if there really was a solution.

So deep in his thoughts he sat there reminiscing about old times with Cecilia, just like every other night. He heard the front door open and a couple of annoyed moans. He heard as she walked a couple of feet in her high heels before she took them off and threw them to the floor.

He inhaled deeply and stood up from the bed making his way out of the room. He made his way down the hallway and down the stairs. He heard noises coming from the kitchen, and made his way there.

There stood Cecilia in a pink silk short dress, that hugged her figure tightly. She was leaning down into one of the cabinets looking inside a cabinet, grumbling about how annoying hangovers were.

Dean cleared his throat and that made her jumped startled, which cause her to hit her head on the top of the drawer. She rubbed her head, where she had hit herself and turned around towards Dean.

Her pale skin looked as smooth as ever, her bright pink lipstick was intact, yet her mascara was slightly messed up, her bleached hair completely messed up. Even in that state Dean thought she looked like an angel.

She gave him a bright smile, causing her face to light up with happiness. Dean gave her one back. With only one smile she could make Dean beg at her feet, but then he remembered where she was coming from and frowned. She caught up on his realization and her smile disappeared.

She turned back around towards the cabinet and took some aspirin out and downed it without water. She tried making her way out of the kitchen, but Dean moved faster and placed his hand on her arm stopping her from leaving. She sighed in exhaustion.

"I'm not in the mood for one of your lectures, Dean." She told him yawning, he yawned at that which caused her to smile. He looked at her with a strict looked, which made the smile go away.

"I just don't get why you do this to me, Celia." He told her, a sad and brooding look on his face. She tried not to stare him in the eyes, because she knew if she did, she would break.

She would break and stop everything she had going on with Toby. But she couldn't do that as much as she loved Dean. Because that's not what her parents told her, and they were always right. Because if it weren't for their advice she would be living on the streets, instead she went to an Ivy League College, had a wonderful job and a beautiful home. All things many people didn't have.

"Look baby, we can talk about this tomorrow." She told him, her stare glued on the ground. Dean sighed and let her go. She walked out of the kitchen and made her way to their bedroom.

He knew there was not going to be any conversation the next day, but he had hope. Hope, that one day she would realize how much she was hurting him. How much she was hurting Toby. How much she was hurting herself. And how much her decisions were going to hurt her life in the future. He just hoped, it would be soon.

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