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This Is Where Our Journey Ends


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IT HAD BEEN A YEAR SINCE DEAN HAD DECIDED TO STAY WITH CECILIA. They had gotten engaged seven months after that. And they had lived in complete happiness, but lately it wasn't the same. Cecilia had been distancing herself from him, and he didn't know why. Everything he said made her angry, they couldn't have one conversation without her getting mad.

He had asked Sam for advice for which he felt very ashamed of. After all he was Dean Winchester, the ladies man. Yet all Sam did was laugh and said "You'll find out soon enough the reason why she's like that."

It was driving him crazy, was she back again with Toby? It couldn't be though, after Cecilia told him she didn't love him, he moved to Panama where he met a new girl. Was there another man in her life? I mean she had been staying home a lot lately missing work and every time he called she took a long time answer.

But he trusted her, she wasn't the same person she was before. She had finally stood up to her parents and had been loyal to him in their relationship, she was still learning to live without the stupid motto.

Two months after the whole encounter, she had asked Dean to accompany her to her friend's house. She wanted to apologize and tell the truth about her sleeping with her friend's dad. And they had went the best day they could've imagined, since the girls parents were there. When she told them the truth, they scolded her but in the end they ended up together again. After so many years of being apart, they got married again.

But he didn't know what was going on with her now, she was out for the day with her family. They went bridal dress shopping for their future wedding, but as Dean stood there in the middle of their bedroom. He couldn't help but feel frustrated about the whole situation.

He was biting his nails a habit he had picked up the past weeks. He stopped it and walked to the bathroom leaned in to the sink to wash his face trying to get rid of all his worries. When he stood up again, he jumped startled at the figure behind him.

"Really, Cas?" He asked the angel, who looked confused at his question.

"What?" He asked Dean back, who rolled his eyes.

"What are you doing here?"

"You didn't call me?" Castiel asked confused, he was pretty sure he had heard Dean called him.

"No, I didn't." He told the angel, they both got alarmed at that.

"Actually I did." A voice spoke from outside the bathroom, Dean clearly scared jumped in front of Castiel with a knife in hand. Meanwhile Castiel just smiled at the person.

"Hello!" Castiel waved, Dean rolled his eyes.

"Wow, you're going to stab your fiancée?" Cecilia asked him with a raised eyebrow, Dean put the knife down and smiled shyly at her.

"Why'd you call Castiel?" Dean asked her leaving a kiss on her cheek.

"Could you give us minute, Dean." She said ignoring his questions, he looked confused but nodded leaving the bathroom.

After a while the door opened and Cecilia stood out with a smile on her face, Castiel nodded at her before disappearing. Dean was about to ask her about Castiel, but she stopped him by kissing him. She smiled at him and continued kissing him.

"What's this for?" He asked her. "Why was Castiel here for?"

"Come on, sit down." She told him pulling towards the bed sitting down with him. "When we first met Castiel told me that if I was ever expecting, to call him because he can bless the baby and make it safe. Since, even though you quit hunting you still have many enemies and him blessing the baby would put it out of harms way. So that's exactly what I did." She told him with a happy small smile.

It took Dean a moment before he could process her words. When he did, he widened his eyes and started smiling. Tears sprung to both of their eyes and Dean stood up bringing her with him by her hands, before he wrapped his arms around her waist spinning her around in the air. Cecilia squealed in happiness.

"You're pregnant?" He asked her excitedly.

"Didn't I just say so?" She replied, he laughed happily. And picked her up again, spinning her again.

"I can't believe this." He said with a giant small on his face.

It was a few years later, Dean sat in the backyard of his house watching as his two kids ran in the backyard with smiles on their faces. A laugh broke him from his trance, he looked to his side and watched as Cecilia laughed at something his wife, Anna, said and Cecilia's husband, Alex, playing with the couple's newborn baby.

Although Cecilia and Dean loved each other very much wnd tried to make their relationship work, something they managed to do. It was revealed to them, more specifically Cecilia. That as much as they tried to make it through together, their history simply would always cause a strain to them as a couple.

So they separated when Emmy was two, and the two co-raised their daughter in a healthy environment. The two loved each other, but they weren't meant to be and had finally found the right partners to share their lives with. Through a close and amicable relationship, they two couples and 3 kids shared a small family. Dean had gotten his happy ending.

Thank you all for reading my first finished story, I hope you enjoyed it.


i as the author always had the head-canon that they broke up a few years after the pregnancy announcement and co-raised their kid in a healthy environment where they established new relationships with other people after confronting and overcoming their problems. so i decided to write it out in a few small paragraphs and actually change the ending. though this was never set out to be a happy love story, i still felt like actually writing this ending instead of having it in the drafts for any longer.

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