chapter four

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Losing My Life For You


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DEAN LAID WITH HIS BACK PRESSED AGAINST THE BED STARING AT THE CEILING. He was deep in his thoughts, thinking about Cecilia. She was playing with his heartstrings, like no woman had before and it was getting to much for him.

He couldn't breath, he felt like the walls were closing in on him. He sat up in the bed clawing at his throat trying to breath. His head started spinning as he started hyperventilating. His body starting to feel numb, he slowly crawled his way into the bathroom trying not to wake up Cecilia.

Once he was inside he closed the door, as he continued hyperventilating on the floor. It was all way too much for him. This relationship he had with Cecilia was too toxic for his health mentally and physically. But he couldn't speak to anyone about it, because he wasn't the kind of person to burden someone with his problems.

So all he could do was lay on the floor trying to steady his breath. He remembered something Sam had told him a long time ago. To focus on things he saw and say their color so he did just that. He looked around and tried to focus on something, he focused on a towel.

"W-White." He stuttered between agitated breaths. He couldn't do it, so he closed his eyes.

He thought he was going to have a stroke as he could feel his heart going at an abnormal rhythm.  He thought about Cecilia, about a world where they were truly happy. No affair, no manipulation, no toxicity. And surprisingly that calmed him down, the person that caused it made it stop.

Once he was more calmed, he leaned against the wall. And looked around the bathroom, steadying his breath. He heard a knock on the bathroom door, and soon the door opened revealing Cecilia in her pajama looking worried. She glanced down and him and gasped, running to his side and kneeling next to him.

She grabbed his face in her hands inspecting his face. "Oh my god, Dean. Are you okay? What happened? What's wrong?" She asked her a panicked look on her face. He gave a small sympathetic smile.

"I'm fine, baby. I was just going to the bathroom and I accidentally fell." He reassured her, but she didn't look convinced.

"That's not what it sounded like." She told him, she looked at his neck and forehead. "You're sweating." She put her hand on his forehead. "Dean, you're freezing." She told him, she stood up and grabbed a towel. She kneeled down again next to him and started to wipe his sweat.

"I can assure you, I'm fine." He told her, trying to get her to look into his eyes. As she was avoiding them as much as she could.

She finally turned to look at his eyes, as she spoke. "When a person says their fine, most of the time they don't mean it. So do not lie to me." She told him standing up, and pulling him up with her.

She helped him make his way back onto the bed. Once he was laying on the bed, she walked over to her side of the bed and got in, sitting next to him. She continued to look at his face in worry. He pulled her to him by the back of her neck, bringing their faces together their foreheads touching.

"I'm fine." He murmured, she sighed and nodded lightly.

"You scared me." She told him, her voice shaking. He could feel a tear fall on his cheek from her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I love you." He told her, and wrapped his arms around her waist. She laid on top of him, her head resting on the nook of his neck.

"I love you too." She said in a whisper. They fell asleep in that position.

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