chapter six

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Family Barbecue


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  THE SOUND OF KIDS RUNNING AROUND AND THE SMELL OF BARBECUED MEAT WAS THE ENVIRONMENT IN SAM WINCHESTER'S HOUSE. The two households were having a barbecue in the small suburban home. Laughter filled the air as memories were being shared and made.

Sam Winchester had moved to New Haven, Connecticut once he married his wife Victoria Nguyen. The two had met on a hunting trip, when Dean and Sam where trying to save a friend of hers. They clicked instantly and soon they fell in love, Sam didn't want to put her through danger and so he stopped hunting and moved to be with her.

The two got married four years prior and had three kids. The twins Jessica and Dean being the oldest at four years old, Leah was the youngest at two years old. They lived in complete harmony in the small city the had found. He had gotten a job as a mechanic and Victoria worked as a math teacher at a high school nearby. They were perfectly happy in their small little bubble.

"Okay, okay. I can defend myself, it wasn't me it was the cat." Sam said through laughter, the rest of them looked at him with smug smiles. "Okay, maybe not." He said in a low voice, they all laughed at him. Victoria leaned up and gave him a kiss on the cheek, which cause him to blush looking at his wife.

Victoria turned to look at Dean, Cecilia and Sam. "I'm going to put the kids to sleep." She told them, Sam stood up with her following her inside, leaving the couple alone.

The small radio that was playing next to the grill started blasting the song "Dancing Queen", causing Cecilia to smile. She stood up with her beer and dragged him with her, to the middle of the garden.

She started moving her hips to the sound of the music begging Dean to follow but he didn't, he just stood there admiring her. She rolled her eyes and continued dancing to the music, she did turns and started using her drink as a microphone. When she was mid-turn Dean surprised her by standing behind her when she turned around.

She looked at him in glee, he just smiled and twirled her around with his free hand. They continued dancing to the rhythm bobbing their heads to it, jumping around.

Sam and Victoria joined them and the happy couples just spent the rest of the night dancing and singing. At the end of the night Sam set up some fireworks, which woke up the neighbors. An old man started shouting at them standing in the balcony of his house in only his underwear. They just laughed at him, and spent the night in complete contempt.

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