Larry x Fem Reader

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I look at myself in the mirror and sigh quietly. My (h/l) (h/c) falling down my head, my (e/c) eyes staring back at me. I wish I was like her. Like Ashley. She's so pretty and I'm "Dear what's wrong?" I hear my mom ask as she pokes her head in.

"Mom?" I ask and look at her. She looks back questioningly. "Am I pretty?" I ask again. She walks to me and hugs me. "Of course sweetie. Why do you ask?" She asks. I hug back and sigh. "There's this girl at school. She's so pretty and I wanna be like her." I say.

"Oh honey. You are yourself. And you're an amazing and beautiful young lady. Don't let other people make you feel like your not. You're very beautiful and intelligent. Alright?" She says and nod. "Thanks Mom." I say hugging her. "You're welcome." She says hugging back.

"Now go ahead and get ready for school." She says and I do as I'm told. I go to my room and open my closet. Just sweaters and leggings. I sigh and change into a (f/c) sweater with small cat faces everywhere on it and black leggings. I pull on my black boots and grab my bag.

"Bye Mom I love you." I call out to Mom and walk to the door. "Love you too (y/n). Have a good day." She calls back as I leave. I walk to the elevator and press the down button. Sal, my neighbor, walks beside me into the elevator.

We stand in silence as we wait to go to the first floor. When the elevator arrives to the first floor I walk out of the building as sal waits for someone. I guess Larry.

Am I really as pretty as my mom says? If so does Larry think I'm pretty? I hope so. I think he's cute.....ok maybe more than cute. I walk into a pole having being caught up in my thoughts.

"Ha! Loser!" I hear Travis yell. I sigh and rub my forehead. That's definitely gonna leave a bruise. I continue my walk to school not knowing Sal and his friends saw what happened.

When I get to school I walk to my locker and grab my stuff for my first class. I hum to my favorite song quietly and walk to class. "Stop humming it's annoying! Especially if your the one humming!" Travis yells at me. I roll my eyes and continue my walk to class.


I grab my food and go to my table. I sit down and rest my chin on my hand thinking to myself. "Hey y/n aren't you gonna eat?" I hear f/n ask.

"No it's bologna day. I hate the schools bologna. I got sick from it last time." I say and push my tray away. "Suit yourself." They say. I gag just looking at the stuff. "How can you eat that? It's gross like that's definitely not beef." I say and they shrug. "I don't know." They say and take my sandwich.

I roll my eyes and sigh. I look at Sal and his friends. When I look their way I get a glimpse of Larry turning his head away from me. Was he looking at me? No he couldn't have been. Could he?

I shake the thought away and tune back into my friends conversation. "Hey y/n what's it like at Addison Apartments?" F/n asks. "It's alright. Why?" I reply looking at them. "Cause I heard the ghost hunting crew talking about them possibly injuring some demon or something earlier." They say.

"Oh yeah there are ghosts there. They're pretty cool really. Well, except the demon but he's gone." I say and everyone at the table looks at me like I'm crazy. "What?" I ask. Hey it's true. The ghost are a friendly bunch I must say.

They change the subject and I roll my eyes. Of course they'd do that. They don't believe me at all. I get up and throw my trash away. I walk out of the cafeteria and walk around the halls.

The teachers are in the teacher lounge so I'll be fine. I stuff my hands into my sweater pockets and walk around the empty corridors. I then hear muffled whispers and look around confused. I walk towards the source of it and peek around the corner of the hallway.

I see Sall and Larry whispering about something in front of the teachers lounge. I hide behind the corner before they can turn to see me. I stand stiff against the wall and start freaking out when I hear their footsteps walk towards my direction.

I look around and see the restrooms near by. I run to the girls restroom trying not to trip in my boots. God why did I choose them for today. I hide in the bathroom and sigh in relief knowing they can't find me in here.

Why am I so nervous about them finding me? I shake my head and walk to the mirror. I look at my figure and sigh quietly. Why can't I be as pretty as Ashley. Why can't I be as artistic as her? Why am I hate me.

I look down at my feet tap my boots together. I jump when someone enters the bathroom and turn to see Ashley. "Oh hi. Um Larry and Sal said they thought they saw someone run in here after the person hid. Could you be that person?" She asks.

"Oh um...I was walking around the halls cause I didn't wanna eat lunch and I heard whispers so I followed it and when I saw them I was getting nervous." I say and look down embarrassed. "Oh alright. Well you don't need to be nervous." She says. "Ok um thank you." I say and go to leave quickly.

"Hey wait." Ashley calls out. I stop and look at her questioningly. "Are you alright?" She asks. Should I tell her that I like Larry. I mean would if she tells him. Would if she makes fun of me. Should I tell her that I wish I was as pretty as her?

"I'm fine." I say simply and smile. "Alright." She says but her expression says she doesn't believe me. "Thank for asking." I say and leave. When I leave the bathroom I see Sal and Larry waiting there. "Oh um...hi?" I say confused.

Ashley walks out and smiles. "Hey guys " she says. " Hey Ashley." They say. "And y/n." May I talk to you?" Sal says. "Oh I'm sure?" I say still confused. Sal grabs my wrist and drags me away from Larry and Ash. When they're far out of sight Sal stops and looks at me.

"Do you like Larry?" He asks. "W-what?" I ask surprised. "Do you like Larry?" He asks again. "oh" I look down blushing. Should I tell him? "I mean y-yeah..." I say. I guess I can trust him. I look at him seeing he thinking about something.

He doesn't say anything and grabs my wrist dragging me back to Larry and Ash. He pushes me towards Larry and I look up at him. "Sup." He says. Oh god WHAT DO I DO?! I internally freak out but simply wave. "Hi..." I say.

I hear Sal facepalm behind me. What is he facepalming about? I look back at him and Ash. Ash looks at us confused as Sal has his face in his hand. I look at Larry who looks equally confused. "Larry tell her." Sal says.

Tell me what? I look at Sal then at Larry who's blushing now. "Uh..." Larry says and suddenly runs away. Wut...? Sal facepalms again and run after Larry. I look at Ash who seems to have everything figured out now.

"What's going on?" I ask. "I can't say." She says. IS SHE REALLY LEAVING ME HERE CONFUSED?! -.- Soon Sal comes back dragging Larry. "Tell her." Sal says.

Larry glares at sal and looks at me. I stand there awkwardly and look back confused. Larry takes a deep breath and kisses my cheek. I blush heavily and cover my face hoping he didn't see.

"Ok maybe I should've just said but y/n I really like you. I think you're really adorable and really cool" Larry says. I keep my face covered blushing more. "Larry I think you broke her." Ash say and pokes my side. I squeak and jump from the poke. I'm super ticklish.

"Did I break you?" Larry asks. I look at him and hug him. "No not really " I say. He hugs back and buries his face into the crook of my neck."awwww." I hear Ash say. Well I'm not pretty but I'm at least adorable.

I smile and hug Larry tighter. Hey he like me back so I don't need to be nervous anymore. Sal claps quietly as Ash smiles. We pull away and smile. "Wanna help us figure out what's in the schools bologna?" He asks. "Heck yeah." I say excitedly.

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