Ch 9: Sweet Dreams

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Nightmare's POV

       I was in the living room, cleaning the dirt out of my long nails. (Y/N) was in my room, unconscious from fear. She was tied up and I wasn't about to risk her running away. The movie on the TV illuminated the room and filled the air with its noises. A gun shot from the TV, and the sound made (Y/N) jerk up from her slumber.
       "Gah!!!! What was that!!" She screeched.
       "Finally you're awake. Took you long enough."
       "Where am I? Where's Ennard??"
       "He won't be in use with you anymore. He won't be able to find you here anyways. You are safe with me and Fredbear."
       "Let me out! Keeping me here is no use at all!"
       "Oh yea? Who is going to bust you out!!"
"I'll bust myself out! You'll see, you big black bear!"
All I did is roll my eyes. I hear the grunts of (Y/N) to the side, but I paid no mind to it. The more I stared, the more attention she gets and I don't want that. I don't understand how Golden Freddy loves her, it's gross. She seems too stubborn for me.
I went back to watching my movie. The gun shots silenced (Y/N) again. Instead of hearing grunting, I heard wincing and whimpering. What a scaredy-cat.
       "You'll regret having me tied up, stupid bear." (Y/N) growled at me, trying to act scary again.
       "Sweet dreams." I looked at her and laughed. I garbled my words and made her go unconscious from fear. Her skin was pale from it, but that isn't my problem. She should've stayed quiet.

Foxy's POV

I've been wonderin' where my lil lass be after the hours that passed. She be gone fer a while and I've been worried. Hearing my Mangle weep ain't fun neither. She been worried sick, and so has Fallon, Chica, and even Goldie. They were all here wondering where the kids have gone.
Suddenly, the doorknob went jiggling and our kids came in. Mangle bursted out of the kitchen and ran to Roxanne.
"OH ROXANNE!!!! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!!!!" She cried.
"We have been together trying to find Lucas' mommy!!" Roxanne sounded innocent.
"Yar know you have to be punished fer this, lass.." I bent to Roxanne, who couldn't comprehend what I've said.
"But I think we know what to do!" Charlie busted out with giggles. "We can track her down to where she is! Have you guys tried that?"
There was silence in the room. Thar hasn't been an idea like dat in ages, and I felt like a fish on a hook.
"Charlie...? How'd you come up with that?" Freddy asked, with Bonnie eyeing him.
"Well, Foxy has a good sense of smell! So I was wondering if he can smell out Lucas' Mommy. Maybe that will work?"
"No!" Golden Freddy snapped. The lad be lookin a little suss.
"And why not?" Chica crosses her arms. "Is there a problem?"
"Because... there is a flaw with that plan! What if it takes forever? What if she's across the country? We don't have enough time to find her! For all we know, (Y/N) could be at the bottom of an ocean!! It would be useless to send that hound out after my wife's scent!"
"Aye!!! I take offense to thar statement!" I sneered.
"Then what do you suggest, Goldie?" Bonnie jumped in.
"I suggest that we go to the Marionette." Golden Freddy started. "I mean, we didn't just go through that whole problem just to give him that plushie for some answers. For goodness sake, we were arguing over something stupid, for different opinions on saving someone deep in our hearts.
"The Marionette told me when we spoke that he has everything in place. I just need backup to go directly to where (Y/N) is. I believe we go right now, before she is gone for good.
"She is the one who helped us when our memories were gone, and helped us with Vincent. The least we can do is get her back. I really miss her, and I really need her." Golden Freddy teared up.
The lad be right, (Y/N) be the one who helped us when we were young pups. We be arguing and missing the whole picture. Freddy stepped up, crying from his blue eyes.
"He's right. We have to go to the Marionette right away. She helped us, so we have to help her. Together." He spoke with truth.
Everyone nods in unison. I gave a big gulp as I put me hook out. "Yar ready?"
"Yes." Mangle put her hand in, then Chica, Bonnie, and Freddy. The rest of the lassies put their hands together, and smiled.
We got our coats together and looked our children before we left. The lads exchanged looks before Chica spoke.
"I can drop them off at my brothers." She resolved with a serious tone to her. The lass never spoke like that before.
"But mommy!! We can help!!" Farrah whined, pleasing to come with us.
"Look, sweetie, this is for us to handle. You guys aren't ready for it, but I promise we will be back before you know it." Fallon spoke so mellow-like.
Golden Freddy hugged Lucas. "I will get Mommy, I promise." They were having a moment.
All thar families were having moments and goodbyes, so my lass and I said goodbye to Roxanne. It be hard that way, but I really hope all goes well.
Once everyone says goodbye and Chico came, we left in Freddy's car and went to the Marionette. The tension was piercing for the soul, but it was understandable. I hope for the lad to get his wife back.

Baby's POV

Ennard has been knocked out cold for the longest. I started to get agitated at the fact he froze up and (Y/N) was stolen from us. I tapped my foot from impatience while Funtime Freddy and BonBon tried to fix him. They've been at it for hours already and it ticked off many of my circuits.
"Anddddd..... FINISHED!!!!" Funtime Freddy screamed in joy. Ennard turned on, and it took a few seconds to find out what was going on.
"What is going on?? Where's (Y/N)?" He sounded out of place and humiliated.
"I don't know!!! But this is you're fault Ennard!! I can't believe you lost her!!!!" I was worked up.
"Well I'm sorry!! Something was behind me and I couldn't protect myself fast enough!"
"It's fine, as long as you're safe." Funtime Foxy sighed with relief.
I was still ticked, but I let it go. We helped Ennard up and kept him steady to stand. BonBon gave him his old mask back and smiled. She then saw Ballora coming down the hallway and clapped.
"Guys look! It's Ballora!!" She giggled.
"Stop you're cheering. I got some worrying news." Ballora sounded like she was going to break into tears.
"What is it, ballerina??" Funtime Foxy jerked up.
"Golden Freddy and his gang are coming for (Y/N) and we don't have her! How are we going to give them to-"
"Let them come." I interrupted with a grin. Everyone was confused and gave me weird looks.
"What do you mean?" Ennard asked.
"You'll see." I rubbed my thumbs together as I felt a plan coming along.

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