Ch 14: Just An Attraction

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Lucas' POV

I'm getting worried for Daddy and Uncle Freddy. They haven't came in forever, and Daddy told me in private that it will be quick. Farrah, Roxanne, Charles, and I put Chico to sleep so we can continue to talk about what to do with everyone.
"We can go where they are. Maybe then we can find them!" Roxanne squeaked.
"How will we go to them if we don't know where they went?" Charles sarcastically spoke. "Besides, what if the bad guys are taller than us? We can't beat them."
"We don't know if there are bad guys involved, silly Charles." Farrah stomped her foot. "All Mommy and Daddy said that they had to is do an errand and that's it!"
I sighed. I didn't know what to do, I'm not the smart kid here! All I know we can go to Uncle Nightmare's house with Uncle Fredbear.
"What if we go to Nightmare and Fredbear's house?" Roxanne asked politely.
"Hey!! I was just thinking that!! You stole my idea!!" I yelled.
"Shh!! Chico might wake up if you make a lot of noise!" Farrah snapped. "We can go to Uncle Fredbear's house, but we have to run quick if we need to see him."
"Maybe he can help us find our parents!" Charles got excited and ran for the door, in which we all followed.
After leaving, we ran around the neighborhood realizing one thing: neither of us know where Uncle Nightmare or Uncle Fredbear lives. It took us 2 hours later until we figured that out and gave up.
The moon was rising up in the sky. It was nighttime and we didn't have flashlights neither. We were together on a curb. I didn't want to leave because I am too scared of the dark to wonder by myself. Plus, Daddy isn't here to comfort me. Farrah started to cry.
"What's wrong, Farrah?" Charles questioned.
"I..I WANT MOMMMYYY!!!!" She responded with a wailing cry. Charles whimpered and hugged her.
"Me too.." He admitted.
"Me three." Roxanne sighed. They were looking like they were giving up.
"Guys! We can't give up now!" I stood up. "If you miss your parents, then we can't just sit here and cry about it. They might be in very a dangerous situation and we must help them to get them out!"
"He's r..right.." Farrah sniffles and wiped her tears. "Mommy and Daddy won't get out themselves!"
"But we don't know where to start. I mean, we are lost trying to find Nightmare!" Roxanne brought a good point.
I thought about it for a minute. What can I do to help find Uncle Nightmare and Uncle Fredbear? I suddenly remembered something.
"Someone stand next to me!" I smiled.
"I don't like that smile.." Charles sounded reluctant.
"Okay, Charles, you spoke first! Get up here!!" I took him and stood him next to me.
Charles looked uncomfortable. I tried to look like Daddy when he scares people with his black eyes. I've always tried it, but it never worked.
"You look like you need to do doo-doo." Farrah giggled.
"Shh!!" I stomped. I got a bit angry and tried harder.
I didn't know if it worked, but Charles screamed and cried from the fear. A low garble filled the silent air and we looked around to see where it was coming from.
"What's happening??" Roxanne got a bit afraid too.
"Whenever people are scared, Uncle Nightmare comes and haunts them! Daddy said it would work!" I got excited.
It turns out the low garble was from the car next to us that turned on. I knew because the lights turned on.
"Wait, if it was the car, then who scared Charles?" Farrah asked.
"L-l-look!!!" Charles pointed at Uncle Fredbear at the doorstep. I forgot he hasn't seen him yet.
Uncle Nightmare was in the car. He took us inside his house to protect us from the nighttime. He gave us some water, then we started giving the story to him.

Fredbear's POV

After what the kids told me and Nightmare, we knew they weren't lying. After Funtime Freddy stole (Y/N), it wasn't mere coincidence that the gang left to find her. Last time we saw him was last year when we went to go help Goldie and the gang get her back.
We decided to put the kids to bed so they can rest. It took half an hour because they were so high on energy. Once they fell asleep, that's when we left to the living room so we can chat.
   "How are we going to get the gang back?" I asked.
   "I don't know," Nightmare responded, "but it has to be quick. They might be in danger."
   "Of course. I can't believe they would leave without even making a plan."
   "No worries. Last time we went there, we were unprepared. All we need to do is go to the Marionette and ask him to take us there again. That way we can go rescue the fools and
   "What about the children?"
   "We have no choice but to bring them. They will possibly have some use as bait or something." Nightmare pondered for a bit.
   "And what if we aren't good enough to fight them again?" I was having my usual doubts. I didn't get out without bruises and cuts.
   "Don't worry about that. We can do it. Besides, their home is probably more run down than last time. It's just an attraction, Fredbear."
   We ended our conversation there. Speaking about the topic made me feel unsettled. There has to be something about this attraction that is making it too easy to surpass it. Plus, I don't think we can do it alone neither.
   Nightmare went to go to bed early. He had to go to the Marionette tomorrow for the deal about the trip. I stayed downstairs in the kitchen thinking about the ordeal. I couldn't get my mind off about the whole idea of going there with the kids. I can't shake off the feeling that something is going to go wrong and it won't be pretty.
   I sighed reluctantly as I grabbed a beer. I tried to shake off the uneasiness and went to the couch to nap.

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