Chapter 10

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Roses pov:

As I woke up I couldn't help but to think.

I know I have an amazing boyfriend and all but I like other people! Is that okay?

I just don't know who is right for me! Phillip is an amazing guy! He is sweet, funny, goodlooking, and any girl would be lucky to be with him.

But then there is Braxton! He is so cute and I know I don't really know him but there is something about him that won't let me forget why I fell for him!

Lastly there is Drake. Drake is an amazing guy. We have out ups and downs and he is rude sometimes but I love it. It shows he cares enough to argue with me! I feel like he likes me, but then again I don't! He gives me mixed signals but I do to! I feel that if we do date it could make our friendship weird or it would hurt us! I will always have what if for both sides!

I got up and got in the shower!

I jumped out and put a pink and black dress on with a white necklace and white shoes!

I decide to curl my hair!

Oh crap it is 7:45 I have to go! As I drove to school I got a text from Jake!

' hey where are you?'

Why does he care?

'Umm pulling into the parking lot why?'

' Drake wants to talk to you. Meet him by his locker at 7:55'

'Umm ok'

I was kinda scared? Why did he want to meet me? What is he going to say?

It is 7:54 and I'm walking to his locker!

"Hey Rose!" Drake said

"Umm hey what's up?" I said with a weird look!

"I know you are dating Phillip, but..."

But what. What could he possibly have to say?

"But I.. I..." He stuttered

"You you what?" I asked

"I like you!" He said fast

Just then Phillip came up and spind me around! He put his hands on my waist and kissed me! It was like one of the best kisses he has ever done! I can't help but to put my fingers through his hair

Just then I pulled off and I said

"Hey Phillip! What was that for?"

I looked in the corner of my eye to see Drake turned around like he was talking to the wall!

"You just look hot!" He said

"Well thanks but hey I'll see you next period I have to go!" I kissed him on the cheek and walked off!

OMG did Drake really just tell me he liked me! Wait what I'm dating the most nicest guy!

I text Drake

' I'm so sorry for that! Let's met up later'

I really hope he gets this!

' no it's fine I shouldn't have said anything anyways. You have a boyfriend and you seem happy. I should have got you while I had the chance'

Dang I can't believe Philip blew this for me. I have been waiting 3 years for him to tell me this! Omg what is wrong with me!!

'No not gonna happen meet me at lunch outside, I will tell Phillip I have to study!'

Am I really gonna lie to my boyfriend?

'Hey babe I have to study during lunch, can we meet up after lunch though'

I wait!

' Yes babe. Love you! Have a good day!'

Oh my gosh I just lied to my boyfriend and he was so nice about it!

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