I like Him?

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Stuart gathered his things and made his way over to school with his super cool rad bike he got for "Christmas".

It took him about 7 minutes to get there. He parked his bike and noticed Murdoc talking to some girls not so far away. It made him feel a little strange watching this. But he just ignored it.

Murdoc noticed stuart had arrived so he excused himself and followed Stu.

Stuart then entered the school and went straight to his locker. He got his things and when he was about to close his locker, someone slammed it for him. Which made him flinch.

"Hey Pretty Boy~" it was Murdoc.

"My god Murdoc don't do that! it scared me!" he playfully pushed Murdoc chuckling.

"I'm sorry" Murdoc chuckled. He turned to Face Stu and caressed his hair "you're cute when you get scared"

Stus face turned warm. He pushed Murdoc playfully again so he wouldn't notice how red he was.

"Haha yeah...well w-we should head to class"

"Right with you"

The two made their way to class.


The rest of the day was very flustering for Stu.
Murdoc wouldn't stop calling him sweet names and complementing him. Sometimes he would even get too close and that drived Stuart crazy!

Stuart was now at band practice with his friends. Playing with the keyboard.

"Alright everybody" Noodle spoke "so we've got this song down. We just have to practice a little more. Everyone ready?"

Stuart and Russ nodded.

"Alright then in 1, 2, 1, 2, 3-"

"Sorry I'm late" Noodle was interrupted by someone suddenly entering the room. Aka Murdoc.

Stu was in complete shock

"Excuse me how the FUCK did you find this place!? What do you want here!?" Noodle said angrily.

"Woah woah woah calm down lady, I'm just here for pretty boy over there" Murdoc said pointing at Stuart.

"You mean Stuart? What the fuck Stu! What did you do?"

"I mean no- I mean- No...I just practiced a little when you guys left the other day! I didn't know anyone would find me!"

Noodle gave Stu a angry glare. Noodle turned around to see Murdoc sitting down on a chair watching them. She gave him a angry glare too.

"Listen here Murdoc'. You tell anyone about this place and I'll slit your throat open you hear me?!"

"K, well I'm just gonna watch a little. Carry on" Murdoc shrugged. Making a sort of "shoo" hand gesture.

"As I was saying...1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4!"

Russ and Noodle began playing their instruments but when it was Stus turn to sing, he opened his mouth but nothing came out.

Everyone turned to Stuart. He looked embarrassed.

"Um Stuart...it's your turn" Russel said "let's try again"

Noodle and Russ started playing again. But when it was Stuart's turn, he couldn't sing again.

"Okay what the fuck, what's going on?" Noodle asked

Stu took a quick glance at Murdoc, Murdoc noticed this and winked at him. Stuart whined and covered his face in embarrassment.

Noodle made her way over to Murdoc

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