Ziggy Stardust

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Ziggy wondered why Murdoc wouldn't look at him anymore. He took off his clothes soon after, standing in front of his mirror he let his hands trail over his stomach, the hairs trailing down to his dick stood up when they were rubbed the wrong way. Was he too small for him? Did he want someone with more body?

He felt like he didn't want him because he was a boy. But yet, he had a boyfriend. He slipped out of his underwear and let his free hand, slip down to his stomach until was able to tuck his dick between his legs.

"Do you love me now?" He whispered, his voice shaking while he looked his own body up and down. "Is this good enough for you? Do you want to have sex with me now?" He whimpered then let everything go and it was like he turned back into something that nobody wanted.

He turned to the side and looked over his body, wondering if he'd want him to have a bigger ass or a bigger dick, there was going to be something that he wanted that he didn't have.

His phone went off, the image of the useless curly haired boy on the screen. He sighed, picking it up and setting it on speaker, allowing himself to place his phone on his desk, so he could still observe his body in the mirror.

"Hey Ziggy.." Smith giggled on the other side of the phone, "I was listening to Bowie again. Reminded me of you." Was he too tall for him? Too short? He paid no attention to the other.

"It's 'The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust' again..." he whispered, "and you'll never guess what song it was." A small silence, Ziggy stared himself down in the mirror, 'Ziggy Stardust' he mouthed at the same time Smith answered.

"My favorite." Smith chuckled. The other refused to say a word. A sigh could be heard on the phone, "can I come over?" No response from Ziggy. "I'll bring Bowie"

"I hate Bowie."

"I know you do." They whispered. "I wish you didn't. He makes me think of you."

"Don't think about me."

"I can't help to. I miss you. Please let me come over." The other had desperation in his voice.

"I'm not dressed. don't want to dress."

"I-I don't mind" he smiled weakly from the other side of the phone "I won't look, I swear."

"Ok." A silence. "Please don't bring Bowie."

"Ok.." Smith whispered, "see you in a few" he hung up.


"I brought Bowie" Smith shut the door behind him, covering his eyes with his spare hand that wasn't holding the album.

"I told you not to."

"It's never hurt anybody." Smith extended his arm, moving it around to make sure not to bump into anything.

"Darling, I was just kidding. I have clothes on, you're allowed to see." He rolled his eyes at how incompetent Smith is. He honestly doesn't know why he still keeps him around.

"Right." He uncovered his eyes, fixating on a shirtless Ziggy, lying lazily upon his bed. He couldn't help but wonder what it'd feel like to run his hands over his chest, yielding to his embrace, sliding his arms around him or, to simply lift his lips to be kissed.

"If you've asked to come here, don't just stand there and look at me, do something. don't be such a bore." He snapped at him. Smith flinched slightly, rapidly nodding his head.

He wandered to Ziggy's record player, placing the vinyl down, setting the pin gently against it.
He smiled to himself as the song began to play.

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