The Party - Pt. 1

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It had only been about a week since Ace and Stuart first met and the two had become inseparable. It was finally Wednesday, Paula's Halloween party, and everyone was excited for it. It was currently lunch time and the gang was sitting together. Expect for Murdoc.

Murdoc sighed as he watched his so called friends eating together. He frowned watching ace and Stuart get along so well. Yes. He knew ace.

"Hey." A familiar voice called out. "Sup." Another joined. It was Keith and Axel.

"Oh hey you two."

"How's your sweet love life going?" Axel asked sitting in front of him, Keith doing the same.

"Fuck you. You know damn well how it's going." They laughed. "I don't understand.. it was all just one kiss."

"A kiss can do lots of things to a person. Mean lots of things." He glanced over to Axel "Cause lots of..things. To happen." Axel furrowed his brows trying to figure out what he meant.

"Right well how about you two?" Murdoc smirked. "You do remember our agreement right, Keith?"

"Ah, well, most certainly." He fake smiled. "some things came up but I'll work on it at some point!"

"What the fuck are y'all taking about?" Axel frowned, being left out of the conversation.

"Nothing. Anyway, you two going to Paula's party?"

"Oh! Yes!" Keith exclaimed. "Ziggy invited us both!"

"I- why do you even hang out with him? He got kicked out of the group!" Murdoc grit his teeth.

"Since when?" Keith asked confused. "And why?"

"Never mind."

"Are you going to the party, Murdoc?" Keith asked with fake interest.

"Nah I couldn't care less about-"

"I heard Pretty Boy is going." Axel interrupted.

"-course I'm going!" Murdoc said with a nervous laugh.


Snake was in his best friends bedroom. He wasn't doing anything, no, he was just standing there. Sorrowful. He slowly turned his head to aces bed and made his way to it at a slow pace.
On it, was one of aces jock jackets. Snake smiled to him self. Ace sure does love jock jackets, he thought. He grabbed it and hesitantly brought it closer to his face. It wouldn't.. it wouldn't be creepy to smell it, would it? He was lost. But he didn't care any longer and so went for it.

"Oh hey snake."

He quickly threw the jacket back on top of the bed and turned. "Ace buddy..! How's it going?" He flustered.

"Hey. What happened?" He asked taking his other jock jacket off and throwing it on the floor. "thought we'd go home together today."

"O-Oh right, yeah, no um, you looked like you were having fun with angel so I left you to it!"

"Snake, dude, his name is Stuart." He smiled to himself. "And speaking of him, he invited me to Paula's party can you believe it!?"

"Oh.." he frowned. "Good for you.."

"And you're coming too! Now come one hurry up and get ready. We have to pick the girls up and be there by 9!"

"The girls? And Ace its only 4:00 pm. Calm down."

"Yes the girls. Butter P, Bubble P, and Blossom G! And you know how long I take to get ready." He ran towards his closet and went through all his best clothes. "Especially since I have to look extra good tonight."

"B-Blubbles is going?" He blushed. "I-I mean, everyone's going?"

"Yeah. Buttercup got invited. So she invited the girls and, we'll, also me which I agreed with even though I was already invited. She forced me to pick them up though."

"Doesn't she still have a crush on you or whatever?"

"Ehh maybe? Anyway that's not the point. Now go get ready!"


Multiple hours passed and ace was ready. He wore a plain white shirt with a jock jacket on top, but not just any jacket, his personalized ace jock jacket. It went well with his plain grey trousers. Hell, he even slicked his hair back and wore sunglasses. Unnecessary. Snake just wore a oversized black hoodie with grey sweatpants.

The two made their way to the girls house, on foot of course. The two radiated too much chaotic energy to be allowed to drive. After about 20 minutes, they arrived.

Ace was just about to knock on the door when it suddenly opened. He yelped jumping back in fear. Snake, with his fast snake reflexes, caught him by the arms just in time.

It was buttercup, looking Emo as ever. She eyed the boys up and down, and her only response was, "gay." And walked away.

"Well hello to you too." Ace said getting up properly.

"Hey." Blossom greeted. "Nice sunglasses, extremely unnecessary though, considering the fact it's night time."

"Well shit, hello to everyone in this goddamn place too!"

"Where's bubbles?" Snake asked.

"She's probably upstairs combing her hair so she'll be the," buttercup air quoted "prettiest girl at the party" she said doing her best impression of bubbles.


"I'm gonna be the prettiest girl at the party!" Bubbles said combing her hair. "This looks about done." She checked her self in the mirror one last time and made her way downstairs.

"Snake!" Her face lit up as she ran towards him, embracing him for a hug almost causing both to fall.

"B-bubbles!" He held her tightly.

"Alright lovebirds are we all ready to go?" Blossom rolled her eyes.

"Lovebirds?" Ace questioned.

"Yeah we're all ready let's go!" Buttercup said annoyed, already leaving the house.


The 5 had arrived at Paula's place, it was packed full of all sorts of kids. The music was loud, the place reeked of alcohol, and people were dressed up in weird costumes. A perfect Halloween party.

"Alright gang, I'm off!" Ace said finger gunning away.

"W-wait! Off where?" Snake was starting to worry. "I-I thought we'd stay together.."

"Uh yeah but like.. Stuart's in here some where so ya know.." Ace paused. He started feeling quilt. "I-I'll meet up with you later, ok? I gotta go." And with that, he left the group behind.

"Who the fuck is Stuart." Buttercup asked firmly. She sounded mad.

"Oh no." Snake started to regret coming to this party.

"Hey, Snake?" Bubbles intertwined their arms together. "How about we go.. walk around outside for a minute?"

"O-Oh." Snakes face glowed red. "Y-yeah! Sure let's go.." bubbles grinned and the both left.

"Seriously, who the fuck is Stuart??"

"Buttercup," Blossom sighed. "How could you possibly not know yet.."


Well this shit is coming along.

Bro idk how to make the next chapter super juicy but like i hope I don't hurt any of the character~ 🙈

Unless... 😏

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