The Sleepover

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"Dad? could I spend the night at murdocs..?" Stuart asked covering his face from Murdoc.

"Sorry I didn't answer your calls, what? NO! IT W-WAS NOTHING LIKE THAT!!" Stuart clears his throat.

"we were working on a project I'm sorry I didn't tell you, what? Oh...right.thanks dad love you good night"

Stuart turned to Murdoc.

"He said yes, so..."

"O-oh right let me just tell Hannibal"

Murdoc opened his door.

"HANNIBAL IS IT OK IF STU SPENDS THE NIGHT?" He shouted from his room.

"Yeah whatever homo, don't do anything weird" Hannibal said back from the living room.

Murdoc turned to Stuart giving him a smile and and thumbs up. Stuart gave him an awkward smile.

"Alright well um...what do we do now?" Stuart asked.

"Ah well" Murdoc fake yawns and stretches. "I'm pretty tired so we should probably sleep" Murdoc fucking lies.

"O-oh right..."

Awkward silence.



"I need clothes." Stuart said looking down blushing.

"O-Oh" Murdoc blushes. "I-I'll get you some of mine hold on"

Murdoc went over to his wardrobe, looking through some clothe. He found a comfortable short and T-shirt. He would give Stuart sweatpants but shorts were so much better for him. Murdoc grins.

"Here you go" Murdoc threw his clothes to Stu.
"The bathrooms right in that door"

Stuart entered the bathroom to change. Murdoc did the same in his room. He wore light grey sweatpants and a dark blue t-shirt.

The bathroom door was opened, Murdoc looked back only to see a flustered Stuart at the door, bashfully entering the room.

Murdoc slowly started realizing what was happening, and started panicking a bit. He'd seen Stuart in shorts before, but never in a room by themselves. He couldn't stop staring.

"M-Murdoc...?" Start said in a low high pitched voice flustered.

"Huh?" He stopped staring and snapped back into reality "OH right yeah sleep"

They both slowly started getting into bed. Murdoc turning his bedside lamp off. Darkness filled the room.

They lied down apposite from each other. The silence was horrible.

"Good...Good night Murdoc" Stuart said quietly.

"Good night Stuart" Murdoc said back.


Minutes later and both boys were still awake. They couldn't sleep.

Stuart would always shift around when he couldn't sleep. He tried his best not to. He wanted to turn but he also had a habit of cuddling things in his sleep. Oh well.

Murdoc wanted to make a move, but was chickening out. What was going on with him? He never had this problem before. Fuck it, he thought.

Both boys quickly turned around at the same time, facing each other now causing them both to let out a sharp gasp. They were staring into each other's eyes.

They just lied there, staring at each other. Both not knowing what to do. Murdoc then, finally deciding to do something, started scooting closer to Stuart.

"M-Murdoc?" Stuart spoke quietly "w-what are doing?"

Murdoc didn't respond, he started coming closer. Stuart gave in and started scooting closer too. Their faces just a few inches away. Their legs slowly coming together. They were even closer and closer, their crotches accidentally touching.

"Huh" Murdoc said, he felt his sweatpants getting tighter. "Oh my god" Murdoc snapped back into reality once again.

"M-Murdoc?" Stuart questioned.

"What am I doing?" Murdoc started panicking.

"Murdoc? A-Are you ok???"

"No I can't I don't know what went over me I-" Murdoc was shifting around so much, he fell out of his bed backwards.

"M-MURDOC?? Are you alright??"

"What? Me?" Murdoc started laughing hysterically "I-I-I'm JUST fine?? I-I need to go to t-the BATHROOM yes that's where I'm going" Murdoc said sprinting towards the bathroom.

He entered the bathroom and locked the door.

"Oh no no no!" Murdoc repeated looking down at his bulge. "Did you have to do this NOW? Seriously?"

Meanwhile in murdocs bed, Stuart was very confused. He started thinking about what just happened and realized, were they about to kiss?

Stuart covered his mouth becoming flustered. He squealed like a fangirl and started kicking his legs up in down in embarrassment. He lied down on his stomach shoving his head on the pillow.


"Fuck it" Murdoc thought embarrassed. "I don't care if he sees." Murdoc said opening the door, only to find Stuart with his head shoved on a pillow with his hips up.

Stuart's head slowly turned to Murdoc. Murdoc just stared at Stuart.

. . .

"I'm going to the bathroom down stairs." Murdoc said going to the door and exiting the room. Leaving Stuart more embarrassed.

He entered the bathroom and locked the door. He sighed in disappointment sticking a hand in his sweatpants.


"Disgusting" Hannibal said leaning against the wall grinning.

"Don't." Murdoc said closing the door behind him.

"I heard everything you know"

"Ew, Fuck off"

"Let me guess, you fucking chickened out"

"I said, fuck off Hannibal" Murdoc said flipping him off.

"I knew you would" Hannibal folded his arms "he's cute. if I were you, I'd do something. And fast. Stop acting like a pussy Before anyone does anything first." Hannibal grins.

"You do anything to MY Pretty Boy and I'll shoot your fucking brains out"

"I knew it was him. Anyway, I wouldn't want to get with him. I'm 22 dude, he's too young for me." He said sticking his tongue out

"I fucking Doubt it"

"What ever" he said stretching "a bitchs got to sleep. Good night Murdoc, hope you take my advice~" Hannibal walked away.

"Whatever asshole" Murdoc said walking back to his room.

When he entered the room, he found a sleeping Stuart, hugging his pillow. It was the cutest thing Murdoc had ever seen.

He lied on his bed and turned his bedside lamp off once again. He turned to Stuart and admired his features. He leaned in and kissed his forehead.

"Good night Stuart..." he spoke softly. Making Stuart smile slightly.

The room was quiet, and the two boys were now peacefully asleep.


Early chapter as a little celebration for 1k Reads!

This chapter was like the first idea that came into my mind when making this fanfic.

Hitting 1K was my goal and actually the main reason for writing this entire fanfic.

So yeah, hell yes let's go

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