cнαρтεя εℓεvεη

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[December 7, 2018; 9:12 a.m.]

Jinhae's POV

"That was the longest 12 f(lower)ing hours of my life." I heard Yoongi mumble behind me. "What did you even do during those 12 hours?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes. The plane landed a minute ago, and now we were fixing our things to leave.

"Monnie, could you get me my bags please?" Namjoon snickers because of the nickname for him and brought my duffel bag and trolley down.

We were talking to each other the entire flight and watched some movies with Hoseok-oppa, Jiminie, Haneul-unnie, and Hyorin. The two of us even came up with nicknames for each other. I can't believe I used his nickname now. For sure he'll use my nickname later on.

We were the first ones to exit the plane, along with Seokjin-oppa, Haneul-unnie, and Hyorin, since we were the front seaters. Cold air met my face once I stepped out and climbed down the steel stairs.

"We're going to stay in a hotel again, unnie?" Hyorin asks, standing beside me. I just gave her a nod. We were in some airport in Paris here in France. Yoongi mentioned something about us having an escort or two to our destination. We now have at least 4 hours until the mission. Yoongi, Taehyung, and I lead the way out of the airport. Two white vans fetched us on time, taking us to our hotel.

I was in the first van along with Yoongi, Namjoon, Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook, Hyorin, Songeun, Seokie, Hansung, Soora, and some of our bodyguards. The others were in the second vehicle.

Unfortunately for me, I was placed beside Soora. She was in between Taehyung and I.

"Ma'am, do you mind if I ask how old you are?" Soora suddenly brings up a question. I turn to look at her and replied.

"I'm 21, Miss Oh. And you?"

"I'm 23. But no need for formalities. From now on, you're my boss too." She smiles a little. I bobbed my head as a response to her gesture. I didn't expect her to engage a conversation with me at a time like this one. Did something get her to talk to me?

And she's older than Taehyung?

"Monnie, do you still have chewing gums?" Namjoon looks at me before nodding his head. He fishes the packed gum out of his pocket and passed it to me. He was just sitting right in front of me, anyway. "Here you go, Minnie." "Kansahamnida." I muttered, shooting a gum in my mouth. "Woah. You guys have nicknames for each other already?" I heard Jimin say from the front passenger seat. "Yah, Namjoon, are you and my sister a thing now?" Yoongi questions, making me flustered a little.

"Yoongi, shut your trap." I managed to voice out, Soora giggling because of it.

"Aw, don't be mad, Minnie~!" Jungkook sang. Namjoon flicks the back of his head since Jungkook's sitting in front of him. "That's my nickname for her!" Namjoon exclaims. Jungkook turns his head to look at Namjoon, his hand touching the back of his head. "Monnie-hyung!" He wails.

I grabbed a pen from my bag and threw it, hitting the annoying boy's forehead. "Know your place, boy. You better not mess with your boss." I sent him a hard glare. He just groans and rubs his forehead. "Okay, just stop hitting me!" Most of us inside the van burst out laughing.

But I swear I feel like I was being watched as I laughed on my seat. I didn't bother looking at whoever it was since I was too distracted.


3rd Person POV

Everyone from all the vans entered the lobby of the ______________ hotel. Taehyung talked to the receptionist, since he was the one who's the most fluent in the French language out of all of them. Taehyung walks back to the group and tells them that he booked the whole third floor.

Jinhae and Songeun decided to stay in one room, followed by Hyorin and Seokie, then the other two girls stayed in the room beside theirs. Yoongi and Hoseok shared a room, also Seokjin and Namjoon, while Jungkook and Jimin stayed in the room beside their hyungs. Taehyung was left to stay inside a room all on his own. The others, including the bodyguards, also had their own rooms to stay.

After unpacking, the three bosses of the merged mafia groups arranged a small talk in a small function hall to talk about the task later on.

"Jungkook and Hyorin are suitable for the job." Yoongi declares, the other two nodding. "I already told Hoseok-oppa to familiarize himself with Jacobs' building, so he can accompany the two later. We should send assists too in case something unexpected happens." The males agreed with Jinhae's response, their arms crossed. Jinhae checks her phone for the current time.

"I'll send some of my men to help. I already notified them about the attack." Taehyung stated, leaning on the white wall of the spacious room. "I'll make the two wear cameras so we can keep track of what's happening. We never know if something will go wrong. We shouldn't let our guards down for even a second." Glancing at his Rolex, Yoongi sighed. He eyes his younger sister and the taller male. He observed how distant the two looked, despite the fact that they were beside each other.

"When the mission's successfully done, we'll get the money after." He utters, the younger two just bobbing their heads.

"Come on then, let's get our breakfast." Yoongi watched as his little sister was the one who left the room first. He peers at Taehyung, who also watched Jinhae disappear from his sight. It was damn pronounced, how Jinhae was entirely disregarding Taehyung's presence. He had a hunch on what was happening, but pays no further attention to it, thinking that Jinhae was indeed the mature lady she said she was a few months ago.

"Rinnie, you'll go with Jungkook to take care of the business later, after lunch." Jinhae mentions as soon as she stepped inside their destined room. Hyorin pouts almost straightaway when she heard the boy's name quoted. "Fine. What time?" "You'll leave at 1 in the afternoon. The target's not that far from here, anyway." Jinhae replies, sitting on the bed in the middle of the room. Songeun occupied the bed on her left, while Hyorin occupied the one on her right.

"Let's go. We're going to eat breakfast already." She acknowledged before standing up and leaving the room with her best friends.

As soon as she walked in the dining room, her view instantly caught Taehyung and Soora, talking to each other. They were already sitted, others accompanying them as well. "Minnie!" She heard Namjoon call her.

At the mention of Jinhae's nickname, Taehyung's eyes darted up to meet with Jinhae's, before the girl made her way to sit beside Namjoon. The male inwardly hissed, without anyone else knowing.

'She's moved on...'

'Or she's making me think so.'

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