The second and third

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Around mid September starting gaining feelings for Adam. I liked Adam. I did many things to get Adams attention nothing seemed to work.

Kenny was my main distraction even though I didn't feel anything real for Kenny. It was all a distraction to get my mind off a Adam.

Adam and I talked a couple times and he explained to me that he haut didn't want anything at the moment and of course I understood.

I couldn't just say "no I don't understand."

I realized Adam lied to me. He just wasn't interested at all. I realized that because after I said that. Two weeks later he started dating Bella. I hated Bella so much.

When Bella and Adam starting dating I pretended to be her friend to get closer to her and break them up.

Imagine how mad I was at Adam for lying to me. If it weren't for alice telling everything to Bella, I would've ruined everything.

I didn't care if Adam was gonna be mad at me. I decided that if I couldn't have Adam, nobody can.

I was really crazy at the moment and I didn't get liars get in the way.

I realized It was my time to move on. With Steven.

One of the biggest mistakes of all this is that I fell for the most biggest ugliest idiots of man kind.

Adam has the most nastiest personilty!!!

Steven has the biggest tempor.

Fuck. I must've craved love a lot to like idiots like these two.

Steven was number 19 on the baseball team.

He was 5'11.

He's much, much taller than I'll ever be.

I liked him because of the smile and joy he used to give to me. Steven was stuck up.

He would talk to me like he didn't give a fuck about what he was saying.

I noticed if he doesn't give even a flying fuck about what he's saying. Why should I give a flying fuck what I'm saying. I wasted my precious time on two of the worlds biggest idiots.

But these idiots lead me to Nathan. So great fully I thank those bastards.

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