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hate moving on. makes me feel like I never truly did something. I work my ass for someone and then I end up having to leave them because I'm to weak to keep going and keep fighting.
thing is. if you want something you have to fight and fight until you have no choice.
they tell you this in the streets, they tell you this in books and movies. If you don't work for what you want it won't come to you freely. you have to work for someone's attention even if they didn't see it first hand. bad thing about this. you fall inlove with the idea of the people in your heads. I've said it before.
you fall really in love, that when they finally realize your there is because you where their last option and everyone left.
that's when you know you fell inlove with someone completely different.
your faced with the reality. that person that was soppost to be someone who you cared for and had hopes with. the person day dreams about in middle of 5th period. Is someone that isn't who you think your life is over.
you think your life is over because you feel so stupid that you lead yourself to believe that person was actually real.
that person ended up being a twisted person, who didn't even give a shit about them own damn selves.
that's when you realize your stupid.
but that's not the worst case.
the worst case is when you fall in love with someone you had no future with.
they didn't even care about you in the beginning and still doesn't care about you now.
they seriously would toss you around like you where nothing if they could've.
and funny part is you fall inlove with them even more because they treat you this way. you don't even realize it but you fall harder.
I don't understand people. I honestly don't. they say they wanna be happy with someone who is deeply in love with them. then when someone comes along they say that's not the person they wanna be with.
thing is people like that are so confused. they shouldn't want someone that's all cute and perfect. they should want someone that makes them happy. makes them even happier every single day.
you should give people chances. even if you think you may not fall. you'll be pretty surprised with yourself. don't treat people like they're the last option they'll have.
just because everyone else had left and there the only one left.
because by then they would've already have moved on.
and then your the one chasing them.
because while they where mopping over you and wishing everyday that you would wake up and realize that they are the one that you want. you where there not caring about them.
and it must've taken time to move on. because people fall harder these days.
so this is why you should give chances, because you honestly wouldn't like to be the person who is the last option so why make people that to?
they don't have to be super models.
they just have to make you happy in your own skin.
show those people that they are humans and show that you have humanity. show that those type of people still exist.
you shouldn't be crying in your pillow because that person doesn't want you. you should just fight. not fight really hard that you don't wanna fight anymore.
fight hard enough That you would wanna stand up and fight harder for the war your going to win one day.
be with who makes you happy. everyone deserves to be happy at one point In there life.
because trust me being sad isn't the best thing in the world. neither is feeling alone.
everyone wants everyone. believe it or not. it's you that chooses that part.
if you don't wanna be with someone then don't. let them know why so they don't have to continue fighting anymore. so this there part is over and they can finally stop.
it's hard to know you have to move on and be okay with all the changes.
but atleast you know you did your best and fought long and hard and earned what you got.
everyone is eventually going to mess you up and leave you.
but you have to be okay with it or people will just crush you and beat you down.
you need someone to always help you go through the bad times. you may say you don't need anyone. but there comes to points where you need people. where you need to be a moment without being alone.
I admit. people beat me down. but they also help me up. and that's the part that's the most important.
people are going to tell you you mean nothing and then show you that you mean everything to them because they don't want to lose you.
they got scared for a split second.
and there is where the humanity kicks in.
people will always want to be in your life. and when you leave is when they choose to actually care about me. that's what bothers me the most of all.
I honestly don't want anybody in my house that doesn't deserve to be in my life. I don't mind taking you out.
if I see you don't deserve a spot in my life I will drop you so fast you will never know what hit you.
I miss people because I decided to treat them like they didn't even matter. when they mattered the world to me. and I'll do anything to take that back. but their gone and I can't do anything about it. I love everyone that I left and everyone that left me. because in a point In my life they meant the world to me.
I will never regret I left them. thy never truly a spot in my life if they kept acting like they didn't care. but I realized to late I cared about them. never do that. think about how you'll feel in a couple years if you do something your not to sure about.
where all humans we all make mistakes. other bigger than others.

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