Jeno - {Broken smiles}

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Sorry for no update guys but I have a lot of things to do and I have exams on Monday and I need to study but this one is for u...I will write after my exams..

•Jeno's POV•
Y/n is the luckiest girl I've met and I never met a girl this special personality fit for her, but I'm her best guy friend and I can't like her besides she likes jaemin more than me. Jaemin is a nice guy and I know he's perfect for her, when I went out of class I saw the both of them together heading to the canteen and my heart broke into pieces. I don't want them to be together, I was jealous so I went to the canteen also because I was starving but I had to pass their table which all the guys were sitting.

"Jeno! Come sit with us!" Y/n smiled brightly when I looked to her right, it was jaemin. I ignored them and I just threw my food in the garbage can, I was hurt...I never felt hurt. I ran away and headed to the park, I just sat there alone but I was still hungry and I wanted to eat so bad. So I just waited there swinging and waiting for someone to give me food.

" might be sick that you didn't eat yet.." a familiar voice gave me a sandwich and when I look up it was y/n slightly smiling, she sat down on one of the swings then I looked down. "Hey jeno? What's wrong? You didn't sit with me and jaemin..." That stupid guy got my crush even though their not allowed to date, I looked at my sandwich and just threw it on the floor. She yelled my name but I ignored her, I stood up and walked away from her. "Yah! Jeno yah!" She yells when I already left her, I headed home as I heard someone yelling my name. I wouldn't look at her just because I was jealous of jaemin being with her, I looked back and saw y/n running while calling my name. I stopped walking as I waited for her to say something. "Jeno!! Yah! Jen-" she bumped into me and fell on the floor, I didn't even mind to catch her but I just felt bad for not being a good friend to her even though I like her I still had to be so jealous of them being together.(jaemin and you)

Y/n was trying to get my attention and trying to get up from the accident, she stood up and shouted at me. "Yah! Don't throw your sandwich at me! That was OUR favourite snack when we were childhood friends!!" She shouted while I rolled my eyes then she gave me the sandwich again but I crumpled it up and yelled at her. "I don't this stupid sandwich! It's my favourite before but it's now yours and jaemin's favourite snack! I don't need you anymore! Be with your stupid boyfriend!!" I threw the sandwich on the floor and stepped on it then walked away from her, as soon as I got home I realized I live with her but separate rooms. I headed straight to my bedroom and I also realised I made my first hurtful mistake to my own bff, I never did that in my entire life or to her. I cried through pain and I regret for being so jealous, I heard a knock on my bedroom door. when I heard that voice I completely ignored it, but actually it came closer and closer to me. "Jeno? Why are you being like this? And those hurtful words to me?" Y/n came in and sat beside me as she held my hand, I still cried but when I looked up to see her face she was disappointed. As she saw my face, she quickly wiped my tears away and I held my best friend ring tightly, then she spoke. "Why are you acting so weird today?!" She sighed and tightly still holding my hand, I was In jealousy and I couldn't even talk to her because that jaemin guy made me so angry but I just felt sorry for her for what I did a while ago. "I-i was jealous...and I felt hurt..." My heart started beating faster as she hugged me and Laid her head on my shoulder. "Why were you jealous? Did I do something wrong?" She asked concerned, I had nothing to say when I said to her she has a stupid boyfriend and that I don't need her anymore I just looked at our hands and still teared up. "I'm s-sorry from a while ago...I couldn't resist my anger because you were always with your boyfriend and not me...I thought I was special to you but i was wrong...your boyfriend is special more than me..." I cried in pain and what I said made me more tear up, I looked up and saw her shocked face.

"Boyfriend? Jeno, I have no boyfriend...jaemin is just a closest friend...but are my BEST guy friend...who told you he was my boyfriend?" She giggled while I am VERY confused, why do I still feel pain in my heart. I am already loved by someone who I truly care and not that stupid jaemin guy. "Y/n? I-i like you...not more than a friend but a crush but it's okay if you say no because-" I was cut off by a kiss from her on my cheek, a very quick kiss and that made me blush so hard I turned into a tomato. "I won't say no because I would never hurt my jeno again...I don't want to see your broken smiles jeno yah!?" She giggled while pinching my cheeks, then I smiled but not only just a smile. I gave her my happiest eye smile I could give her and not to someone who I hate, I hugged her so tight that we both laughed.

"You promise you will never hurt me or my heart?" I asked concerned while pouting, she gave me a giggle and kissed me. "I promise! I will NEVER hurt you!!" She yells while I covered my ears, we laid down obviously on my bed but there is one question for her I need to ask. "Y/n ah? My heart is always going around and I couldn't stop it!" I smiled but actually acting like I was disappointed. "Why is your heart doing that?" I gave her the weirdest smirk. "Because my heart is looking everywhere to find my true love..." I smirked and She giggled then hugged me tightly. "Your so corny! No wonder they call you no jam?!" She laughed.

Yes! I'm done! I was writing this while I'm studying for my exams!? But eventually I'll make more after my exams! Hope you like it bye!! Thanks for supporting my book! Love you HEART FAM! 사랑해요! 爱你 ❤️

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