Chapter 1: The New Bodyguard

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It was a chilly Tuesday afternoon in National City.

"Miss Luthor, a Samantha Redfield is here to see you."

Lena heard Jess speak through the intercom. "Let her in Jess." Lena replied.

The door to Lena's office opened and a young woman dressed in a body guard's suit stepped in. She has dark hair with clean slight curls that cascaded just below her shoulders. The girl has piercing green eyes, pale skin, and is about Lena's height. The girl smiled at Lena when their eyes met. Lena returned the smile and stood up and went around her desk to formally meet the girl.

"Good afternoon Miss Luthor." The girl greeted with a hint of authority in her voice in spite of how young she looks.

"My name is Samantha Redfield, the agency that you contacted for personal protection sent me." The woman extended her right hand for a handshake. Lena received the girl's hand with a smile and said,

"You look very young to be a bodyguard. But I take that the agency that I contacted will not send someone not capable for the job. So I look forward to working with you Miss Redfield."

"Sam. Please call me Sam. And yes, I get that a lot. But I can assure you that I am stronger than I look." The girl said smiling.

"Sam it is. And I'm sure you are stronger than you look." Lena said smiling back. Lena gestured that they continue the talk to the office couch. And so the two women sat on the couch. They spent the rest of the time discussing about the job and came to an arrangement that Sam will have to follow Lena around and her job will only end once Lena is in her penthouse.

"That would be all Sam. And since you're now officially my new bodyguard, I will give you a time off today so you can enjoy your personal time before it goes downhill from here. Your official duty starts tomorrow."

"Thank you Miss Luthor. I'll see you tomorrow then."

Sam stood up, shook Lena's hand again and walked towards Lena's office door when Kara Danvers stepped in. Kara's eyes widened when green piercing eyes met her blue ones. Kara stopped in her tracks and looked away as Sam passed by her, opened the door and stepped out. Kara looked up and met Lena's eyes and said,

"W-who was that girl? She kinda scares me."

Lena chuckled and replied, "Hearing that from you made me even more believe that she is the best person for the job." Kara looked at Lena with confusion in her eyes.

"She's my new bodyguard Kara." Lena said still smiling and gestured for Kara to sit beside her on the couch.

"A bodyguard? But Supergirl can protect you just fine!" Kara said as she sat down beside Lena.

"Of course Kara, Supergirl can protect me just fine. I'm just hiring a bodyguard for the sake of it. And besides, didn't you always tell me that I have to be extra careful? And, I can say that just by looking at you she's already proving herself to be good. She scared you didn't she?" Lena replied playfully.

"Yes, she did scare me, but only because you have the same eyes. And I've seen your scary glare you know." Kara replied smiling this time.

Lena laughed, "Really? I'm that scary huh?"

"Yeah." Kara replied chuckling. Then Lena's face turned serious and sighed.

"So Kara, how have you been?" Lena asked, her tone serious.

"I'm still struggling, like really hard. I still missed Mon-El sometimes but, I'm doing my best to go through the pain without letting it control me." Kara replied with a hint of pain in her voice.

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