Chapter 7: Ohana Means Family

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After dinner, the group gathered in the living room.

"Sam, as much as I want to help you with your dad, I can't. In fact, I have to go away to space and go back to my planet my dear while you fight with your father." Mahiika spoke sadly, face frowning.

Everyone gasped at Mahiika's declaration. Then Sam spoke, "Why? I need you now more than ever grandma. You don't have to fight. I won't let you fight your own son, I promise." Sam answered pleadingly.

"No my dear, it's you that I don't want to fight with."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked confused.

Mahiika didn't answer immediately. Lena's eyes widened looking at Mahiika in understanding and spoke softly, "Sam, your father has Grandma's protection bead. She's bound to protect your father no matter what. You might end up fighting her too."

Sam's face fell and she closed her eyes. She was breathing heavily when Lena sat beside her and wrapped her in a tight hug.

"It's okay Sam, we'll figure out something." Lena comforted Sam while rubbing circular patterns on her back.

"How are you gonna go back to your planet Mahiika?" Kara asked.

"I have a particle traveler. We can travel through it." Mahiika answered sadly.

"But you can come back right?" Alex asked.

"Yes. I can. It will be hard for me to protect my son if I'm in space. The bind of the bead will burn but, I'll be fine." Mahiika answered.

Sam released a deep sighed, "Okay. You can go back. I'll just see you soon, okay?" Sam said teary-eyed, voice wavering.

Mahiika nodded. "I have to leave soon, before your father finds out that it's my hologram that was in prison and not me."

The four women nodded in understanding and Mahiika hugged Lena first, and said, "Take care of your big sister for me, okay? I am so proud of you my granddaughter, my beautiful, beautiful Lena."

Lena nodded. Then Mahiika went to hug Kara and Alex together, "No matter what happens, you'll always be sisters. Take care of each other."

Then Mahiika hugged an already sobbing Sam and said, "Be brave my precious. Don't let anger cloud your judgement. Love should always win. And lastly, in order to defeat your father, you must destroy his heart. And your father's heart is not with him, it's within his shadow. His shadow separates from him. So be careful of his shadow."

Sam nodded. Mahiika took out another particle traveler. "Take this. You might need it." Mahiika said with finality.

"You're gonna be okay Mahiika, right?" Kara asked worriedly.

Mahiika smiled, "I'll be fine. Don't worry about it."

Mahiika took out her own particle traveler, "Farewell for now."

Mahiika pressed the on button and she was sucked inside the object and it went out the window.

The room was quiet when the particle disappeared from the group's sight. Sam is still crying and Lena is comforting her sister. Alex and Kara slowly bade goodbye promising to come back tomorrow at breakfast. It was already late at night but Sam was still sitting on the couch with a faraway look in her eyes. Lena came out of her room and saw her sister's faraway look.

"Sam? Come to bed please."

Lena waited for Sam to move, but when Sam didn't budge, Lena walked towards her sister and offered her hand for Sam to take. Sam looked at Lena's offered hand and put her own hand on Lena's and she allowed Lena to guide her to bed. That night, it was Lena's turn to hold her sister tight and assure her that everything will work out in the end. Sam relaxed into Lena's embrace and let the tears fall as she allowed Lena to hold her tightly until sleep finally found its way to Sam.

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