Chapter 3: The Beads that Bonds

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"So, let me get this straight, father met my mother 26 or 27 years ago. They hit it off and I was conceived. But my mother didn't know that I existed, and a year later she met Lena's father, and around ten months or so, Lena was born? So technically, I'm 2 years older than Lena?" Sam said in disbelief while pacing back and forth outside the cell.

"Yes my dear. You got that right." Sam's grandmother replied.

"You know, I liked your mother. She was a little broken, but she was a fighter. And, a certified genius too! No wonder your little sister is a genius as well! You know, here on earth it is always the mother that carries the intelligence genes."

"How did you know things about my mother?" Sam asked.

"I observed your mother for a while. I send her help every now and then; anonymously of course. She is your mother after all." Sam's grandmother explained.

And in a whisper, "I also disguised myself as a nanny when she got pregnant with Lena and when she was nursing her so I can observe her better. I really enjoyed those late night moments I spent with your mother." The old woman winked.

Sam smiled and said, "Why grandmother, you sneaky little being! But that still doesn't explain how in the world I'm older grandma."

Then Sam muttered, "And I'm scared to ask, how was I made again?"

Sam's grandmother laughed heartily and answered, "It was a one-night stand. But your father was not really interested in a relationship with your mother and so he disappeared after that night, only to find out that you were conceived. When a male of our kind impregnated someone, a mark appears on his left hand, and out from that mark, a small bead appears while the mark disappears. Given the time, the bead turns into an egg and it will grow until it's ready to hatch. You stayed in your incubation egg for a really long time my dear. Our kind can choose when they want to hatch their children. On the night you were conceived, after a year you were supposed to be hatched from your incubation egg, but your father decided to delay your birth. Another year later, Lena was born. And when Lena was two years old, your father decided to have you hatched.

"Which leads us to the question, why does father want Lena dead?" Sam asked.

Sam's grandmother's face turned grave. She released a deep sigh and answered, "He is after your beads."

"Beads? What beads?" Sam asked in confusion.

"Beads are special powers for the chosen ones of our kind. There are three beads. The beads hold the family together. The mother, father, and the child. However, in your case, all three beads are in you. That's maybe because your mother was human, a part of her is in Lena, and in you, and the beads found your father unworthy. Your father wants to get one of your beads, but he can't do that because you still have a bond with your little sister; that's why you felt warmth when you're with her. It's the bond of the beads. But, once Lena dies, the beads will be easy to extract from you."

Sam's grandmother paused a while and then continued, "Your father is hungry for power. He is doing a forbidden ritual, and it will require the power of the Life Bead to complete it in exchange for power."

Sam's mind was about to break because of all the information that she learned. So she is half human and half alien after all. A lot of things came to her mind and she did her best to pay attention to her grandmother.

"My precious, you have to listen to me intently now. The first two beads are called the beads of protection. You can choose two people to give those beads to. Once you give it, you can't take it back. You are bound to protect the person who has your bead for the rest of your life, even if that person becomes your enemy. You can also communicate with them telepathically. So choose wisely. The third bead is the most powerful of all. It is called the Life Bead. It has the power to transfer your life force to one person that you choose. However by doing so, you will experience an indescribable amount of pain until all your life force is completely transferred to the other person that you gave your bead to. And you will die."

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