Chapter 5: It's an Adventure!

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Lena and Sam were sitting on the living room couch after dinner. Kara has gone home after dinner. Both women were exhausted from all the things that happened during the day. Sam stood up a few minutes later to get a glass of water in the kitchen.

"Would you like some water, Lena?" Sam called out from the kitchen.

"Yes please." Lena answered.

Sam came back to the living room and handed Lena her glass of water. Lena took it with a smile and gestured for Sam to sit near her. Lena downed her glass of water and placed the glass on the table. She turned towards Sam and spoke, "I need to ask you something."

Sam raised her eyebrow and encouraged Lena to continue. Lena took a deep breath and continued, "I know that you've only revealed yourself to me today. And we lost a lot of sisters' time. But I'm thinking that maybe... You know, umm..."

Lena fidgeted with her fingers and closed her eyes and opened them again, "Maybe you would like to live with me here in my penthouse? I mean, if you want to. I don't want to force you or pressure you just because I'm your sister. And I would totally understand if you don't want to live with me; that's okay with me too. And nothing will change if you say no. And also, don't worry about saying no because I will understand, as long as you're safe, that's fine with me. We can still get to know each other even if..."

"Yes." Sam interjected before Lena could ramble any further.

"Yes?" Lena asked, surprise lacing her voice.

Sam chuckled and said, "And I thought that only Kara rambles. It turned out that the great Lena Luthor rambles too."

Lena smiled and leaned forward to kiss Sam's forehead and whispered, "You may be older than me, but I still see you as younger. I'm still older by age."

Sam laughed, "Whatever."

Sam stood up and Lena looked at her with confusion.

"I'll be back." Sam said and disappeared. A few minutes later, Sam appeared back in the living room with two suitcases. She disappeared again and came back with some personal stuff. Then disappeared again with some things for her new bed room. After teleporting back and forth, the transfer of things is finally done.

"So, which one's my room?" Sam asked excitedly, "Can I have the one facing the mountains?"

Lena smiled widely and nodded, "Whichever you want."

Sam squealed in delight and teleported to and fro from the living room to her room and arranged her things in superhuman speed. Lena grinned widely and shook her head, amused at her sister's enthusiasm. Not long after, Sam emerged from her room and stood in the doorway grinning widely. Lena smiled back and stood up. She walk towards Sam's room eager to see how Sam arranged her room.

"Not bad. Very well arranged." Lena commented as she stepped into Sam's room.

"Well, like sister, like sister?" Sam said jokingly.

Lena laughed and nodded, "Yes, like sister like sister," then she drew nearer to Sam, "We should get some rest. Good night Sam."

Sam nodded and smiled, "Good night Lena."

Lena opened her eyes to the sight of rays of sunshine slipping through the glass windows. She squinted because of the sudden bright light and covered her eyes with her hand. Lena slowly adjusted her eyes to the light and yawned. She looked at the time and saw that it was still six in the morning. She sat up on her bed and tried fixing her messy hair. She cleared her mind and tried to recall the events that happened in the past days. It's funny how her life has drastically changed when Sam came into her life.

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