⋘ Chapter 31 ⋙

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"Even drunk, I am caught off guard by the way I remain intoxicated by you."
-3rd person-

"Maddie, are you sure you are okay?" Capella asks, staring at her wasted friend.  "Yeah, I'm okay~" She slurs, smiling widely as she cocks her head to the side. Madilyn's cheeks were flushed pink and her eyes were quite red. She reaches for the bottle of alcohol in front of her, hands trembling as she pours herself another glass. Gulping the liquid down, she lets out a hiss.

At this point, both Valery and Capella were extremely worried. Worried for their friend. Maddie doesn't drink at all and yet here she is, downing three whole bottles of alcohol. It was obvious that something is bothering her. The two friends exchange looks, obviously concerned. In contrary to her friends, Leah was oblivious to the situation, happily bursting into laughter every now and then. She was also drunk after drinking a few shots. Soft hiccups escapes her lips as she lets out a small giggle. "Will you be fine Maddie?" She asks childishly, propping up her arms on the table. Madilyn hums silently, taking in another shot.

"See? She'll be fine." Leah assures. "Even the pickle says so!" Capella looks at her weirdly. What the..."But pickles don't—" "Oh, I have a joke! Why does seagulls live by the sea?" She cuts Capella off, eyeing everyone on the table. Valery lets out a sigh while Capella groans. "Because if they lived by the bay, they'll be called bagels!" She chortles obnoxiously, falling head first on the table. Face palming, Valery sighs as she sits next to Leah, making sure she doesn't do anything stupid. Knowing Leah, she'd probably knock over a few bottles and break some plates by accident. So in order to prevent that, Valery makes sure to move away all the fragile objects near her.

Directing her attention to Madilyn, she notices her friends slumped form. It was as if she was bothered. That's when she knew that something was really wrong. She knew that Madilyn didn't like to share her problems because she thinks it might burden them. "Maddie, do you mind sharing to us what's bothering you?" She asks softly, locking her gaze at the young lady.

"I-I..." Maddie stammers, her eyes red and watery. She inhales sharply, bringing to cup to her lips and once again emptied it. "I don't know anymore...." She slurs, putting her head down. Her head hurts like hell and her vision was blurry. All she wanted to do is to forget everything that was happening. Yet she still couldn't.

"Tyler told me t-that it's up to me whether I'd like to continue t-to date him..." She stammers, her hands shaking. "But I feel like I am hurting him as I date him. I don't deserve someone like him. He has been nothing but nice to me. Not that nice when he got mad at me though. But mostly nice." Taking another shot, she purses her lips at the bitter after taste.

"It feels wrong because I-I...." A tear slips out, falling down her cheek. "I still like Ren." Sobs continue to escape her lips, her eyes closed as she covers her face. Trembling, she looks down. Tears began to rapidly fall down, her sleeve getting wet. Capella pats her friend's back, trying to console her.

"I am selfish aren't I? I didn't mean it to be this way. I don't want to hurt anybody. I-I just didn't want to hurt Tyler's feelings." Madilyn sniffs, wiping her eye with her hand. She grabs the bottle and takes a swig, hoping that the alcohol could console the burning pain in her chest. "I wish I could turn back time and just tell Tyler that I can't date him instead of leading him on. I really wish I could. Maybe he would have moved on and found someone way better than I am. I really don't deserve him."

"Maddie....I think you should tell him before he gets hurt even more." Capella tells her gently, rubbing her back. "And about Ren...Don't worry. I'm sure it'll work out somehow." She dials Ren's number, calling him. After a few rings, he picks up. "Hello?" He answers, voice raspy from sleep. Evident shuffling can be heard from the other line. "Hey, help me with Maddie. I'll text you the address." Capella whispers before hanging up.

Unknownst to the girls, Tyler has heard everything. Dropping the bouquet of lilies he had, he stood there in shock. He couldn't believe his ears. Has everything she did for me just out of pity? Was I that desperate?

Valery looks outside and freezes. Her eyes locks with Tyler's teary ones. She was shocked to see him standing there. He breaks eye contact, quickly walking away. Immediately standing up, she mutters a quick 'I have to go' before turning to leave. Ignoring her friend's questions, she opens the door and quickly ran up to Tyler.


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