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everybody knows, you and I are
suicidal stolen art
pretty mama sews,
stitches into all your bitches broken hea-

I was listening to music on my iMac when it got cut off by a knock on the door.

I ran downstairs to open the door.

"Who is it?" I asked trying to look through the peephole. But I was too short.

Fuck life.

"X." He answered.

X? How does he know where I live? Fucking stalker.

I opened the door.

"Here's your stuff." He said giving me my things I left at school.

"Yeah thanks, uh how the fuck do you know where I live?" I asked about to close the door on this freak.

"Um because I live directly across the street." He said in a 'duh' tone.

"Oh. You can go home now." I said about to close the door.

He stopped it with his fucking foot.

"Yes." I asked getting a little irritated.

"Do you live here by yourself?" He asked.

"Yes." I said getting blunt.

"Where are your parents?" He asked.

He really think I'm about to sit here and talk about my parents to a complete stranger. Hell no.

"Uhm. Why are you still here?" I asked bluntly.

"Because I want to get to know you. Why are you so cold?" He's asking alot of questions.

"Look. I don't trust you. I'm not about to sit here and express my feelings and personal situations to you when your gonna do nothing but tell your fuck ass friends." I spoke. Bluntly.

"You can trust me. I promise." I eyed him down for like 2 minutes before letting him in.

I put my stuff on the table by the couch.

"Nice crib." He complimented.

"Thanks." I said about to get to the point.

"So, get to asking. This is a one time thing." I said ready for him to get out of my house.

"Why don't you live with your parents?" He asked.

"Uhmmm. Because I'm 16?" I said in a 'duh' tone.

"Where's your mom and dad?" He asked. It looked like he was getting interested.

"My dad is somewhere snorting crack, and my mother is none of your business." I said bluntly.

"Why are you so blunt?" He asked.

"Well, if you have a problem with it, the door is right there, X." I said fake smiling and pointing at the door.

"You called me X." He said.

"Duh. That's your name right?" I said bluntly .

"Anyway, what's your favorite foods?" He said getting comfortable.

I'm really starting to like this guy. In a friend way. He seems really cool.

"Um, pasta, curry chicken, salads, macaroni. Stuff like that." I said smiling a little.

We were talking and asking questions all night. Laughing and just having fun.

I was getting kinda tired so I laid on his shoulder while we were still on the couch .

I felt him pick me up bridal style and carry me to my room.

I heard him say,

"Goodnight beautiful." As he walked out of my room door, and then the front door.

He called me beautiful.

That was the last thing I thought of before falling asleep.

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