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Hi, is this Alyx Cleopatra Parker?

Yes it is, how may I help you?

I contacted you because of a terrible tragedy that involved a close relative of yours.


At 3 O'clock today, your father, Alejandro Pervasquez (Per- Vas-Kez) has passed away due to a very fatal murder that happened in Lauderdale, Florida.

*Call ended*


"Has anybody seen Alyx bruh?" I said frustrated.

We haven't seen her in a month and some days. Every body is fucking worried, Jahseh is about to kill himself, and I'm just fucking pissed.

Geneva even worried about her and she don't even like her.

"No bruh, no fucking trace, she's basically off the fucking map." Jahseh said with his hands on his head, pacing around.

"Maybe her mom knows where she's at." Geneva said shrugging her shoulders.

"Yeah, Ski lemme see your phone." Jahseh said holding out his hand.

I gave it to him.

"We can trace her mom." Jah said looking up getting a little excited.

It took him a couple of hours to locate Alyx's mother.

"I found her. She's located attttt... Lake View Cemetery in Cuyahoga, Ohio. Ight y'all let's go." Jah said getting up.

"Wait wait wait. Lake View Cemetery?" I asked confused.

"Yeah." Jah said with the 'duh nigga' face'.

"Nigga a cemetery. Her mom is dead." I said worried.

"Oh shit." Jah said going back to the computer.

"How long has she been dead?" I asked going to the computer also.

"Ummmmmm it's says she's been in the cemetery forrrrrr, 4 years." Jahseh said clicking the mouse.

"Ok so, Alyx is 16, 15, 14, 13, 12." I counted on my fingers. Shut up.

"She died of suicide when Alyx was 12." Jah said sitting on the couch. Now I see why she's so angry all the time.

"How come she never told us?" Jah asked.

"Maybe because she don't like y'all fuck niggas." Geneva said stating the obvious.

"Well what about her dad?" I asked Jah.

"Hold on." Jah said.

It only took a few minutes for Jah to pull up her father, both of her parents had felony charges so it was kinda easy.

"Ok, Alejandro Pervasquez." Jahseh said trying to pronounce 'Pervasquez'. Dumb nigga.

"Damn. This says he died a month ago from a fatal homicide." Jah said.

Damn. Alyx is a hurt child .

I'm sorry Alyx.

"We gotta find her." Geneva said. Looking like she was feeling guilty.

"Yeah let's go." I said getting my phone, keys, jacket, and I put my shoes on.

In The Car...

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