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"Tell me what happened. Tell me everything." I said trying to get comfortable. This stab wound isn't doing me any better.

"He told me he wanted something he was supposed to have before my mom died." She said.

She continued.

I was trying my hardest not to cry. Jahseh might not believe me.

"His name is Tawrence. He was my mom's boyfriend ever since she dropped out of college." I said.

He nodded signaling for me to keep talking.

"When they were together, he basically lived with us. He always gave me these looks that I couldn't explain. They weren't good looks. That's why I always stayed in my room. My mom never thought anything of it, so I just ignored it. One day when my mom came home from work, she came late. He was home with me, while she was at work.." I stopped trying to take everything in.

I continued.

"He came to my room and said he had to talk to me. He said.."


"Your mom has to go on a business trip for a couple of days. She told me to watch you while she's gone." He said sitting on the bed with me.

"Ok." I simply stated.

"Alyx.." he continued.

"I'm gonna get straight to the point. You are a beautiful girl, I wouldn't want any boy to have you. I want you all to myself." He said.

I scooted back a little so he wouldn't get any closer.

That didn't work because he scooted even closer.

I sighed.

"You have my mom. Leave me alone." I said very bluntly, not creating any eye contact.

He roughly grabbed my face so I can look at him.

I kept my eyes wandering the room.


I jumped a little due to his loud deep voice.

I looked at him.

"Strip for me." He said calmly.

"No." I said still sitting down.

"You wanna play that?" He said getting up unbuckling his belt.

"No one is going to take your precious virginity. I'm the only one that gets it. Your mine. All mine." He said taking off his pants revealing his boxers.

"No." I said getting scared.

I couldn't think of anything so I grabbed the lamp that was by my bed and hit him in the head with it.

He fell to the floor.

I quickly got off the bed and ran out of the house.

I didn't know where to go. So I just ran until I saw an old burnt down house, still in good condition.

How the fuck is that possible?

Flashback ended...

"He tried to rape you." Jahseh said looking down in anger.

He looked at me and I nearly jumped.

His eyes were pitch black. Empty. Nothing is visible in them but pain, anger, and sadness.

"What happened after that." He questioned. It was more like a statement tho.

"I stayed at that house until my mom came back home. I don't know if he tried to look for me, but I do know my mom hated me after that." I said now crying.

Jahseh hugged me.

"He's dead now Lyx. You don't have to worry anymore." He said kissing my forehead.

"I know, it's just that, why me? I don't even know how he found me." I said bawling in tears right about now.

"He might've tracked you down. That's how me, Ski, and Neva found you." He said shrugging.


We sat there for about 10 minutes reminiscing about what just went down. Alyx isn't crying anymore.

She wants to go to Home Depot so she can get a new comforter set.

I said we can go in a little because WiFi and Craig we're supposed to be coming to get this body.

I dragged his body downstairs so they won't have to come all the way upstairs for his fat ass.

As if on queue I heard knocks on the door.

I went downstairs, stepping over Tawrences' body.

(For future reference, stepping over a dead body is hella disrespectful. Don't do it.)

I looked through the peephole and saw curly black hair.

It's WiFi.

I opened the door and WiFi dapped me up.

I gestured for him to come in, and he did. Also with Craig baldheaded ass.

"Babe who's at the door?" Alyx yelled from upstairs.

"It's just some of my vros coming to get this body. Go back in your room." I said looking upstairs.

"Ok." She simply said.

"Dats yurs?" Craig said pointing upstairs.

"All mines." I said putting my hands behind my back.

WiFi walked all the way in the house, tripping over the body.

How the fuck he ain't see his big ass?

He looked down and I just laughed at his ugly ass.

"Damn vro what the fuck happened?" He said observing the body.

"He was fucking with Alyx so I shot him a couple times." I simply stated.

"Ight bruh." WiFi said signaling craig to help him with the body.

"Dis nigga stank." WiFi said turning his head the opposite way from his body, making a stank face.

I did my infamous laugh and head tilt.


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