Part 29: Dinner Talk

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Galavan looked at Danica from across the dinner table. He had arranged for them to have supper alone in the dining room. He could tell that she was different; though he also accounted to the fresh cuts and bruises. Galavan poured her some wine in a glass and handed it to her.

"Danica, aren't you curious why we're having dinner alone?"

She shrugged. "Nope."

"No?" said Galavan, taken aback.

"Nope." Danica replied.

"Are you alright? Your face-"

"Jerome and I have rough sex," said Danica casually. "He likes it rough. So do I. No need to worry, Darling. We settled our differences in our unique way. Let's just put it in a way that my mind was expanded, and I see things differently now."

Galavan nodded. "I'm all for change. This new outlook has brought on a lovely change in you. Well, since you seem a lot more opened-minded, I've got a task for you."

"Lay it on me."
"There's a cop."
"Ooh, I like it already."
"I would like you to rattle his cage."

"I do like rattling cages," Danica mused.

"It's not the actual cop that I'd like you to take a crack at, Darling. He is to be left alone. I would like you to visit his former partner, Harvey Bullock."

Danica lit up.

"Harvey?" Danica purred. "Oh, yes, I think this will be even more fun."

"I know that you and he have some kind of history. He would not cry out to get you sent straight back to Arkham. He'll freeze, try to persuade you to turn yourself in-"

"No worries, Darling." Danica interrupted sweetly. "I know how to handle Harvey. You leave that man in my care."

"I need him alive, Danica.

"Even better," she soothed him.

"Is it?" Galavan questioned.

"Baby, if you say you want him alive, he'll stay alive." Danica guaranteed. "I don't want to make waves and misuse my usefulness to you."

Make him happy, Danica thought as her face brightened when Galavan grinned at her, pleased.

Galavan handed her the glass of wine.

"What message would you like to send him?" Danica suggested.

"Simply that 1)You're alive and well, 2) That the Maniax are not only acting in a team but also individually..."

"And...?" Danica gestured for him to continue.

"The third message, make up your own, be creative. You've got that streak somewhere in you. I bet you're the artist of this myriad of characters: singer, dancer, eh?"

Danica chuckled, "You've got a sense of humor, Darling. But I do like theatre."

"Let me guess: you like the circus."

"Yes," Danica nodded. "I liked it as a child; sometimes Daddy would take me there when I did a good deal. I'm surprised that Jerome and I never crossed paths." She contemplated momentarily. "I liked the acrobats."

"You fancy yourself a gymnast."

"Yes." Danica affirmed confidently. "Gymnastics is a sport, Darling. Don't let anyone make you think differently."

"Something that I've also been curious about," Galavan continued as they started on the next course.

"Shoot," Danica invited him, with a flick of her wrist as she gulped down her second glass of wine.

"You speak highly of your father. He beat you and worked you as a drug trafficker from the age of eight. Why still so fondly refer to him?"

"He was my father," Danica answered. "He taught me all I know. I have to give credit where credit is due. He gave me hell often, but..." She shrugged.

"You were the one who killed him, right?"

"Yeah," Danica answered.
Galavan gazed at her. No remorse.

"Rattle Harvey Bullock's cage, keep him alive, be artistic, enjoy the task. Should Jerome ask me where you are-"

"He won't ask," Danica interrupted gently. "He knows business is business."

"Should I need you to persuade Bullock or any other chap for a task in a different manner other than physical violence, would this affect your relationship with him and our team? Sexual jealousy poisons the well. It's why I had to dispose of Richard Sionis. I need to know that this won't become a lover's quarrel."

"In his words, again," Danica insisted, "as long as I don't sleep with your...clients," she chuckled, "it shouldn't be a problem, Darling."

Galavan grinned, pleased.
They continued their dinner.

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