Part 36: "What Did I Tell You?"

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Danica yelled out fiercely as she whipped a most-likely-very-expensive vase into the headboard, missing Jerome's head by a six inches. The shattered ceramic pieces crumbled onto Danica's pillow. Jerome held a knife in hand, flipping it to catch it blade then handle, blade then handle. He glanced down at the shards and rolled his eyes.

"Danica, baby," he tried soothing her. "You're getting crap on the bed. We'll never get it out of the sheets."

"That fucking diplomatic-" Danica roared, "-patriarch piece of trash!"

Two, three, four, five vases, Jerome counted. It's Sesame Street here in the Bedroom de Danica. He didn't bother trying to avoid them; she wasn't trying to strike him with the pieces of decor. She was pissed.

"Babe." Jerome exhaled tiredly. "I know you're angry. Not exactly sure why because everything he said probably was true-and you only get this angry when things are said that are true about you-but likely, it's not such a big deal."

Danica turned to him. It was as if something had switched off the moment she met his eyes. Danica panted, expendable from her rage; breathing heavily.

"Danica," Jerome repeated her name for the third time. "I told you not to think so much. You're overthinking, and you're killing the mood."

"Yeah? And what mood is that?" Danica calmly questioned him.

"A good one." Jerome answered her flatly. "You know what you did wrong, right? And, before you snap at me like I know you're going to do-Consider what I told you while we were in Arkham. What did I tell you?"

Danica sighed. She bit her lip with agitation. Fuck . Danica groaned.

"Don't set expectations." Danica muttered.

"That includes expectations on a a victory or failure. It helps dissolve personal disappointment when things don't go exactly the way you plan. Which is our 'employer' Galavan's weakness. Micro-management. Horrible for show biz-and every other occupation that involves people. Nobody... likes a boss up their ass 24/7." Jerome said smoothly.

Danica strode beside the bed to fall back onto the mattress.

"You're saying I let him get to me."

"I don't have to spell it out to you, good." Jerome congratulated her sarcastically. "You let him best you. He came to you as a father. You know what you did?"

"Took the bait." Danica answered.

"Right." Jerome sighed. "The target at Houser's place, I think, went very well. It was entertaining, drew lots of attention. Was really exciting," Jerome grinned widely. "You liked that part, right?"

Danica smiled.
"Yes. I liked it better following you. It was so easy, and smooth sailing." Danica situated herself where she placed her head on Jerome's lap.

"The best complex plans are kept simple," Jerome contemplated. His fingers tapped against her temple. "You know what? Since Galavan said that you had to stick with me during our missions-or whatever the hell he calls it-" he temporarily wore an unimpressed expression on his face "-that means you get to come with us tomorrow."

Danica looked up at him. "What's happening tomorrow?"

"GCPD. And that is all I am going to tell you. It's gonna be fun." He simpered with reserved excitement.

Danica brightened immediately. "Ooh. You're right. I do like that idea. That explains why we kept those police uniforms, doesn't it? And here I thought we were going to have kinky sex."

Jerome reached behind his pillow and held up a pair of handcuffs with a finger in one of the loops.

"We are." Jerome said in a silky voice.

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