Chapter 12 Treated Different by Someone you won't Expect.

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I woke up with the morning sun hitting my closed eyes. I rolled over onto my stomach, deciding weather to stay to stay in bed or get up. my first day back at the academy, I just knew that I would be treated differently.

A knock suddenly came from the door and a big man with a long, red  beard walked in. I nearly forgot that Mom and Dad are at Beserker Island, spying.

  "You should be up by now." Grandpa Stock said trying to squeeze his over sized body through the skinny door.

" I don't want to go." I said with my face tucked away in my pillow.

" Why not?" He asked me. I don't know if he was clueless or what.

"They're going to treat me like a baby." I moaned.

" You won't be." He encouraged. I turned my head to glare at him, but still wasn't budging my head from the pillow.

" Even if they do it only means they care"

" I don't want to be cared for." I hide my head into my pillow once more, prying that I didn't have to go.

" What about family?" He suddenly asked.

" Family's different."

"How?" I sighed deeply at his question. If we continue the conversation then we might talk through class, but on the other hand, we'll have to continue the conversation.

"I'll go to class if I don't have to answer " I answered.

"Works for me!" He enthusiastically said standing up. He walked happily out of the room looking pretty happy to get out of here. I flung my head against my pillow before rolling out of bead bed.

After getting dressed in a red shirt and black pants I headed downstairs.

"Bye Grandpa." I said staring for the door.

"Don't you want any?" He asked pointing to an unknown liquid in a bowl he was holding. I could practically see the stink coming off it.

"I'm good." I said running out the door before he force fed me.

Finally at the academy, I took a gulp before entering. I was greeted with warm yet scary smiles by everyone. Even Comet.

I was speechless and actually thought they were frozen until one of the statues moved.

"Welcome back." Salmonfoot greeted.

"Um... hi?" I answered.

"it's good to have you back." Scruffnut said. This has gotten old, and a little too creepy.

"What's going on?" I asked.

" I like what you did with your hair." Bottonlout said.  I ran my hair through my hair, confused why he said that. I realized my hair wasn't up in a braid, flowing down my back. I almost forgot what it looked like down, just long, wavy, red locks. I slipped off a band from around my wrist and put up  my hair into an easy pony tail.

"Shut up Bottonlout. " I sighed

"Oh come on, what did I ever do to you?" He asked. This was proof that he had the attention span of a hatchling.

"Do you really want her to answer that?" Comet asked.

"Shut up, worm!" He told him.

"That name's really getting old." Comet sighed.

"Then how about bit-"

"Enough!" Gobber interrupted.  "At least wait until after class to fight." Gobber sighed.

"Nice timing." Salmonfoot mummbled.

"Today we're doing something a little different." By this point everyone had their eyes glued on Gobber.

"You're all getting pets!" He announced after building up the suspense.

"How dare you call Vomit a pet!" Scruffnut yelled.

"How dare you call Fart a pet, Vomit's the pet." Buffnut said.

"They're the same thing." Comet said. The twins gasped in horror.

"They are two completely different things, you monster." Buffnut rasped. Turns out Bottonlout isn't the only idiot.

"That's not what I meant. Since only two of you have gotten and I don't trust the twins, I'm going to see how you train your dragon." Gobber said heading over to the iron gate that hold the wild dragons.

"What kind?" I suspiciously asked.

"One that will be difficult, strong, and adorable. " He answered.

That last one shocked me. I've never heard Gobber say something so soft and I don't know of an adorable dragon except hatchlings. Gobber pulled the lever that lifted the log blocking the iron gate doors.

All I could see was darkness until tiny, glowing eyes apeared. Then another pair and another. A tiny shriek came from one and they all suddenly attack, or so I thought.

A small dragon flew into my arms. The way this one looked, I knew it was the one from when we trained the Terrible Terrors.

"So what are we supposed to do with them?" Comet asked.

"Train them to do a trick or something." Gobber said. I remembered that when Dad was my age, he did something like this.  They ended up in trouble, but something like that happened about once a week for them.

The rest of class was spent trying to get used to our new Terrors.  It's what happened after class that surprised me.

  As I walked down the path into the village I was stopped.  Not by Comet or even Bottonlout, but by someone I never expected.

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