A New Year, New Beginnings

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The last year was insanly difficult. It had its good times but the worst times were exceedingly more.

The worst was losing my home and everything besides what I could carry out the first day. Having to find an empty wooded area away from everyone to set up a tent to live in, that would be safe.

Waking up to this new years, I prayed to God and to the gods and goddesses, that this year will be better. After all I am a Christian and a Witch.

Being homeless has its difficulties. In October I thought to be nice and allows some "friends" who were also homeless to come camp out with me. Unfortunately it has not worked out the way I had hoped.
Back in Novemeber I informed them that where their tent was located would turn into a swamp. Low and behold right before Christmas when we had a couple of huge storms right in a row, they were flooded out and lost basically everything.
Luckily they had a new tent, that I helped get through donations for them, as theirs had a huge hole in the door/wall.
I have had to listen to them complain about it since than. I had stopped helping them several weeks ago, besides watching their dog, because I have found out they do hard drugs and are threatening others. I wish I could continue to help them, but I had told them before they came that either of those things plus a few other rules, were not allowed.

With in an hour or two after waking up, I was informed that they would be leaving the next day and going back up north. I laugh at this, because they say they are not getting the "help" they want and because it is snowing up there.
It is a good thing, because I do not want to deal with their drama any more. But unfortunately they are leaving ALL their garbage behind.

I admit I have some full garbage bags to get rid of. But I try to keep everything as clean as I can.
One hard thing about being homeless is that you do not have a garbage service, so it can pile up. I luckily have someone who can help, just working out the details to do a clean up.

I do not like to be dirty or have dirty things, so once a week I try and do a deep cleaning of the inside of my tent.

My tent in huge, it "says" it can fit 4 queen size beds. It stands at least 7 feet tall. And I love how it can divide into into two rooms. One I have made into my bedroom/living room. The other can have the outside walls to unzip into a screen room, so this is my indoor kitchen. The front door is pretty awesome with a swinging hinged door.

Having the big tent with a swinging door makes it easy for my Service Dog, Loki, to go in and out. I make sure he is on a lead when the tent is unzipped so he does not go running off. And it also makes it easy for my cat colony to go in and out door the daylight hours.

I have a service dog because I have several medical issues. One of those  medical issues is extreme PTSD and another which I have very recently found out are absent seizures. He is an amazing dog. Later this month I will have had him for one year. And in May he will be two!

As for my cat colony, I have 15 right now. I have had all of them since before they were born. Some of them have come back to me because their adopted owners did not want them anymore.
I used to have more cats, but my location I am living at has had a bad problem with coyotes. So now I only let my cats out during daytime when the coyotes are not active. If I keep them locked in the tent, they will rip holes in it to get out. I have gone through several tents before this one because of that.
I love each and everyone of them. All my animals are well fed and cared for. And of course I face hardships with having so many cats. There are several people in the community that are trying to ruin and destroy my life and reputation. And it hurts. I try very hard to survive and keep my family together.

Back to today... I met up with a good friend that has been EXTREMELY amazing and helpful. She has gone out of her way to help me. Right now I will call her CC. CC came and picked me and Loki up for a ride. Getting out for a couple hours on a day when public transportation is not running. She has beem helping keeping my phone charged by taking my battery packs and charging them up. So going on a ride I was able to exchange my empty packs for full ones.

We both like to play Pokemon Go. I am higher level, have more experience playing and more pokemon so I have been helping her out. (My pokemon friend code- 3262 4240 6565.) So she decided to do a little driving around for pokestops and had me control our phones.

Being homeless, you HAVE to have some fun in safe ways. I am and have always been drug free, besides prescriptions my doctors put me on. I am also sober, really have never like alchol. My drink of choice is coffee.

As we were driving around we happened to be over by where I used to live in my rv. Which I was told by my ex friends/ex landlords, that they had thrown away and trashed it all. But as we pass by what to my wonderful eyes should appear but my rv is still there! Those liars took my home and everything I had owned. Now I am trying to find out my options and a way to get my rv and belongings back.

It makes me so mad that people I had trusted for almost ten years could do this to me. Their kids called me auntie Becca. I rocked my nephew to sleep as a newborn because they could not get him to sleep. One of his first ten words was becca! My niece and I would always make plans for the future and play with my makeup. It hurt when their parents did this because I lost 2 people I loved. I still consider them my niece and nephew, and if they needed anything or were in trouble I would be there.

At the end of our ride I asked CC if we could stop at the grocery store. My state disability had just come in. I needed a couple items of food that I could not wait four more days until my food stamps came in.

Being homeless keeping non perishables cold is hard. I try to shop for the week of it. But most days I do not eat, even if I have the food.

Homelessness is not fun. Its a day to day struggle. Some are luckier than others. I have been lucky so far. But things have been starting to crumble and become unsafe and now I am forced to look for somewhere else or something else to live.

A Day in the Life of Being Homeless MemoirsWhere stories live. Discover now