5. Arrow 2x4 part 2

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Arrow: Sara?

Black canary: I'll give you some time to let it sink in.

(The sonic devise explodes and Sara is no where to be found) 

(The Hideout)

Felicity: Sara Lance? Laurel's sister? The detective's other daughter, the one that you took on "The Gambit" with you even though you were dating Laurel at the time, which we never talked about.

Oliver: Felicity, please.

"Why was he going out with her when he was dating someone else." Sage asked. Currently the young girl was sitting with Heather and Liam in the front row.

"This show might not be so child appropriate." Felicity tells Heather and Liam.

"Your right." Oliver agrees.

"Sage, if you want to watch the show then you must look away at the fights and if you don't understand something you probably are too little." Heather said and Sage nodded. 

Felicity: I'm sorry, it's just Isn't she--isn't she dead? You told everyone that she died when "The Gambit" went down, that she drowned.

(Oliver looks down)

Diggle: You lied. 

Oliver: When "The Gambit" capsized, uh Sara was pulled under. It was so dark and cold. And I thought she drowned. About year later, I saw her.

"You what?!" Laurel yelled.

"Calm down!" Heather cried tapping her arrow on the table.

Diggle: You saw where, on the island? She drifted to the island, too?

Oliver: Not exactly.

Felicity: Why didn't you tell the Lances that she didn't die in that boat? Laurel and Mr. Lance, they blame you.

Oliver: It was my fault. What happened was my fault.

"Don't blame yourself." Sage said and walked up to Oliver and gave him a hug, then spoke in the most mature way possible. "I'm not aloud to blame myself for my aunt and uncle's death, then you not aloud to blame yourself."

Oliver looked at the girl shocked but then gave her a hug back. 

Diggle: Well, where has she been all these years, Oliver?

Oliver: I don't know! Diggle, I swear to God. I was sure she was dead.

Felicity: Do you have any happy stories?

Diggle: All right, so just to make sure I understand this correctly, after not drowning when "The Gambit" went down, Sara didn't exactly make it to the island with you, where you would see her die yet again. Feel free to fill in the blanks.

Oliver: Not right now.

Diggle: You mean not ever, don't you, Oliver?

Felicity: Don't you think her family had a right to know that she made it to the island, too?

Oliver: These were five years! Five years... Where nothing good happened. And they were better off not knowing.

Diggle: Do they deserve to know now?

"I think you should have told them Oliver." Moira told her son.

"You don't understand." He muttered.

Oliver: [Sighs] I need to take care of some business at the office. Where are we with the Mayor?

Diggle: I'm in contact with some of my military sources. Trying to get a line on how he's getting his illegal army weaponry. I'll keep you updated.

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