13. Siblings

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Sara and Laurel had gotten instructions to go left and then right for an empty room to talk in. The walk to the room was silent and awkward. When they reached the room there was a couch and a couple of comfortable chairs. Laurel sat down on the couch and Sara on a chair. 

"So?" Sara said after a couple minutes. 

"So? That's the first thing you say?" Laurel said. 

"I'm sorry," Sara said quietly. 

"You're sorry about what?" 

"I'm sorry about sleeping with Oliver, I'm sorry about what I've become. I'm sorry about shutting you out." 

"You know a couple of months ago Mom thought you were alive. She dragged Dad into her crazy theory and they searched for you. They found a girl who was wearing the same outfit you had with you when the Gambit shipwrecked. And I didn't know what to think if it was you. I didn't know if I should be happy or not. Because my sister had died while sleeping with my boyfriend. I couldn't be angry because you died. But I couldn't grief because I was so angry." 

"One point when I was there floating on that thing, I was so weak and hungry. Like you saw. But I couldn't stop thinking about you and what I had done. I thought about what I would do when I saw you. I would apologize for going with Ollie on the Gambit." 

"And would I forgive you?" 

"No," Sara chuckled as the tears she never shed when she was in Nanda Parbat. "You would be angry and wouldn't talk to me like when you were 7 and I was 5, when I--"

"Broke my favorite doll. I didn't talk to you for a week." Laurel finished she had a smile from the memory. 

"But then after I would try everything, you would forgive me. You wouldn't trust me with every other guy you would be with. But you would talk to me again." 

"So what happened, You're back now and all you do is shut people out." 

"You saw me on that thing? I'm a monster. I've killed people. Good people. Parents. And I didn't even regret it. I was just surviving." 

Then Sara did something bold and took off her shirt. Laurel gasped when she saw all the scars on her sister's body. 

"I was in hell and I don't deserve to be with you, I would ruin your life. You could get killed just because the league wants me back. I don't deserve me." 

"Let me be the judge of that. I want my sister back. I want you back." 

"Laurel, I've changed so much." 

"But you're still the same person who came to me when you had a nightmare and cried while I was trying to calm you down." 

"And you did by just being there." 

"You still remember everything you did. Yes, you've killed people but you're still my sister." 

"Could you forgive me?" 



In the room, there was a lot of tension. It's what you can expect if you put criminals, vigilantes, and future legends put in a room. 

"So why are you guys doing this?" Oliver asked Heather and Liam. This was one of the second time 

"We want to protect the future," Heather answered. Everyone could see she was distraught. 

"Why does our future matter to you?" 

"Because it does," Liam stepped in. 

"How do we know that these videos show our future?" 

"You saw the flashbacks those are true. Aren't they?" Heather stated. 


"What's with the third degree?" 

"What would you do if two teenagers kidnapped you and said they're from the future and that they're here to show us our future?" 


There was a silence and after a couple of minutes the door opened Sara and Laurel walked in. 

"Everything okay here?" Laurel questioned. 

"Everything's fine," Oliver and Heather said at the same time. 

"Are you sure?" Sara said. 

"Yeah," Heather said looking at Sara. Heather was good at hiding emotions so only Liam could identify the emotion on his sisters face; It was hurt. "Let's continue watching." 

no one said anything as they all went to their seats. the screen was turned on. 


I'm sorry about the waiting time. This was a hard chapter to write and I'm still not totally happy about it. 

What did you guys think of it? 

I felt as if Oliver wouldn't completely trust them and so I wrote the interrogation part. 

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