Chapter 1

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This is my first story so it's going to be really bad.
Just warning you

My name is Hiccup. Great name. I know. But, that's not the least of my problems. I'm blind. Always have been. My dad rarely ever lets me out of the house, without either him or Gobber with me. Today I'm planning on going out alone. That is, of course if my dad's in a good mood. Either way I'm still going to try.
"Hey dad I'm going out!" I shouted from the door.
"Not so fast Hiccup. I have put together a town meeting today, and you can't go outside by yourself." My dad, Stoick sighed from the bottom of the stairs.
Stoick was the chief of the tribe, and not somebody you'd want to mess with. It seemed like he was getting more muscle everyday. With his red beard spread down to his chest, he was one of Berk's best warriors.
Me on the other hand, was the complete opposite of him. I was a short, skinny fish bone. I'm known as the village runt because of how skinny I am. Most people from other tribes would laugh when they found out I was the heir of Berk. My cousin Snotlout on the other hand, he looks more like a heir that I ever  would. He was made completely of muscle and bragging. Let's just say, I'm surprised how he's not dead yet with the amount of times he's hit on Astrid.
"Aw, come on dad. Please? Just this once can you let me go out into the forest by myself? I'll be okay!"
"No, son. You shouldn't go out by yourself. Especially into the woods. During this last raid a dragon was shot down in the woods. It might still be there, and you have no way to kill the beast."
Well I guess there's only one way out of this one, unless I want to stay inside for the rest of the month.
"Ok dad, I'll stay inside until you're done with the meeting." I sighed knowing that I have to stay inside for another hour.
"Good, now I must go. Stay inside till I get back. You know what will happen if you don't."
I slightly flinched at the idea of helping kill dragons in the raids, like what happened last time I didn't listen to my dad. I still have some of the burn marks from it.

One hour later
I woke up from my little nap to the front door creaking open. I ran down the stairs to be greeted by a bone-crushing hug from my dad. There was only one time he was this excited, and it was when I could finally get around town without bumping into buildings or people walking by. That was ten years ago when I finally learned how to walk though. But he was even more exited this time. I really don't want to know why, but it's not going to be good...for me, at least.
"Hiccup you're going to be so excited! I put you in dragon training! You'll start tomorrow!"
"Oh, uh, really? Because I, um, was, uh, thinking that, we have a surplus of dragon fighting Vikings, but do we have enough, uh, bread making Vikings, or small home repair..."
I was cut off finishing my sentence when my dad put a small helmet on my head. He could've been gentler, but it doesn't matter to him. I couldn't kill dragons. Not after what I heard them saying during that raid. The captured ones were screaming that they had kids and a family. The ones who left without food were panicking and talking about a 'queen' of some sorts. I don't know exactly what they were talking about, but I knew it wasn't good. Being able to understand dragons was both a gift and a curse. I shuddered at the thought. Then I returned back to reality when I heard my dad's thundering voice.
"Woah, wait, what! Why would I...?!" I was cut off from saying anything by my dad's more stern voice.
"Deal?!" He demanded one answer, and one answer only. I knew what it was, too.
"Deal." I answered him, knowing that I wasn't going to win this one.
"Good. Now train hard, and I'll be back. Probably." He said with uncertainty in his voice. I knew exactly where he was going. He was going on another trip to look for the nest.
"Yep. See you when you come back." I said in my usual sarcastic tone. This is going to be a long couple weeks.

Sorry if this is a bad story like I know it is. I'll try to update every couple days.

The Blind Dragon Tamer: A Httyd runaway storyWhere stories live. Discover now