Chapter 5

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Toothless Pov
When Hiccup left I just couldn't stop thinking about him. He really wasn't like the other vikings. He was kind, smart, and he didn't kill me when he first saw me. I think I'm starting to have feelings for him. The last time I ever felt the feeling of being loved, or even loving somebody was when my parents were still alive. I was just a hatchling, but I still remember it like it was just yesterday
It was a sunny morning on a small island full of night furies. Toothless, his younger sister Crystal, and his older sister Hope were all playing together outside their cave. Their parents were discussing things that they didn't want their hatchlings to hear at such a young age.
"When do you think the dragon hunters are going to attack this place again. We all know that they want all of us dead, I just don't want to explain that to our hatchlings right now. At this age, they're so vulnerable to attacks, and they wouldn't have any clue what to do or where to go." Toothless' mom Midnight said, concerned about the well-being of  her hatchlings.
"I have no idea when they will attack again. It's been months since they've attacked last, and I think they've given up by now. I mean look at it this way, they know exactly where this place is, they know there are still some of us left, don't you see it? If they haven't given up yet, they would've attacked us by now." Said the father of the family, and the chief of the night fury tribe.
Before their mother could respond to her mates statement, a loud bang and calls of help from he friends were heard all across the island. The two adult night furies ran out of the cave at record time to protect their scared hatchlings and see what was happening. When they got outside, they were not expecting what they saw. Every other night fury was chained and muzzled.
"Dragon hunters." Midnight whispered to herself. "Crystal, get your siblings as far away from here as you can. Now."
"But mom, why, what's happening?"
"There's no time to explain, but these are very bad people. If you don't escape them, they will kill you. Just go. Now, please. Save the species."
"Okay mom. Lets go guys." Crystal said, tears streaming down her face while flying above all the destruction happening on the island. Hope flew too close to one of the traps, and was brought down to the hunters, and restrained like the rest of the night furies. Since she was flying behind the other two baby furies, her being caught went unnoticed. The only two night furies left flew for hours until they got to dragon island. Dragon island was run by the red death. She called herself the queen and made other dragons find food for her. Every single dragon hated her. She only made us raid Berk, because it was the farthest island that she knew of.
One night, the only female left of the species, Crystal, was eaten by the red death. Crystal had brought her every bit of food she caught, yet the red death still ate her. She gave the excuse that she 'didn't bring enough food.' A couple days later I was shot down by Hiccup and am now in this beautiful cove.
I was brought out of my memories when I smelt the amazing scent of fresh salmon. I saw Hiccup bring in a basket full of fish.
"Hey Toothless, I brought some fish for you. Here's some salmon, some nice Icelandic cod, your favorites!"
I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying because I was too busy finally eating something.
When I finished eating all the fish, I was just thinking about Hiccup once again, even though he was right in front of me, talking about who knows what. He said he had to go back to the village, so a search party wouldn't be sent out for him. I was hesitant but let him go anyway, because I choose life. The last thing I could think of before I drifted off into a dreamless sleep, was 'I love Hiccup'.

Hiccup Pov
I noticed that as I was talking to Toothless, I noticed he was kind of day dreaming about something. I have no idea what, but I wish I could just tell him how I really feel about him. When I got back to my house, I flopped right onto my bed and fell right asleep. The last thing I could think was 'I love Toothless'.

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