Chapter 21 - The Blind Banker

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"Sherlock, look out!" Kat yells as she sees the hooded man swing at Sherlock with his sword.

Sherlock got offered this case about a Jaria Diamond and, well, the man got a little angry when he found out that they didn't want to take the case. He got so angry in fact, that he pulled out a two foot long ninja like sword and started swinging at them. As if his hooded figure wasn't creepy enough.

Kat then lunges at the angry man when his back is turned, and gives him a good strong knock into his side while Sherlock jumps on the couch to avoid the blade, which the man swung at him again again. Sherlock stands up strait and fixes his jacket which got pulled up a little while Kat keeps swinging at the man, managing to hit him a few times.

"Katherine!" Sherlock yells as the man then takes his sword and pushes it against Kat's neck and pinning her against the kitchen table. In doing this, he pushes her so her back is arched against the table as she pushes against the man's arms in hops of not getting her head cut off. The man's sword scratches against the table and Kat groans because she knows it is going to leave a mark.

Kat then decides to take her knee and jam it into his side until he let her up. It took about five kicks before he finally let her up. The three of them tossel some more in which both Sherlock and Kat use each other to help themselves to land some solid hits on the man.

Suddenly, Sherlock gets an idea and he yells "look!" And points off somewhere behind the man. The man, seemingly an idiot, turns around and Kat turns and kicks him in the chest successfully knocking him out. The two detectives stand up and straighten themselves out, brushing off nonexistent dust from their shoulders and smoothing out any wrinkles on their shirts.

"That was some good fighting there, Miss Moore." Sherlock praises Kat and she smiles at him.

"You weren't so bad yourself, Mr. Holmes."


By the time that Kat and Sherlock heard John walk up the stairs, Sherlock is reading quietly in his chair and Kat is also reading with her feet in his lap. Intentionally in the exact same place they were in when John left over and hour ago.

"You took your time." Sherlock said to John without looking up from his reading.

"Yeah, I didn't get the shopping." John says with some hidden meaning behind his words that Kat and Sherlock didn't understand.

Holmes finally looks up at John incredulously. "What? Why not?" Sherlock asks really confused.

"Because I had a row, in the shop, with a chip-and-PIN machine." Watson replies sarcastically and very sharply.

Kat looks up trying to bite back a smirk. "You... you had a row with a machine?" She coughs to try and cover up a laugh that came out against her will.

"Sort of. It sat there and I shouted abuse." John replied shortly and this time Kat can't hold back her smile. It kind of reminded her of Sherlock and John's relationship: Sherlock not listening and paying attention and little John standing there shouting at him with no response. Kat laughs again at this thought. "Have you got cash?" He asks Sherlock ignoring Kat's little moment.

Holmes smiles and nods his head over to his wallet on the kitchen table. "Take my card."

John walks over to the table then pauses for a moment. "You could always go yourself, you know." John turns to the two of them. "You two have been sitting there all morning. You've not even moved since I left." Kat turns to Sherlock and the two of them share a knowing look, smiling slightly. "And what happened about that case you were offered, the Jaria Diamond?"

"Not interested." Sherlock replies nonchalantly as the two of them close their books. Kat catches a glace of the sword that man used earlier out of the corner of her eye and she nudges Sherlock and he discreetly kicks it further underneath his chair so John doesn't see it.

"We sent them a message." Kat replies giving him an innocent smile and thinking about the solid beating she and Sherlock gave him.

"Ugh, Holmes." John breathes out as he sees the scratch on the table that the man's sword left while he was trying to cut Kat's head off. John just gives another sigh and walks out to go get the shopping.

About 20 minutes after John left for the store, Sherlock gets up and grabs John's computer. He opens it up and sits down at the table. Kat looks up from her book to see his opening his email. Holmes types for a few minutes then he stops and just sits, staring at the screen deep in thought with his hands steepled in front of his mouth, the way that he does. Kat, letting him do his thing, goes back to her book and doesn't bother him.

About 10 minutes later, Kat and Sherlock hear thumping of John's feet and he walks up the stairs, heavier than usual a cause he is carrying groceries.

"Don't worry about me. I can manage." He grunts as he walks into the room and places the bags on the table. When he realizes he got no reply, he turns to where Sherlock, and now Kat, sits in front of Watson's computer. "Is that my computer?" He asks confused.

"Of course." Holmes replies shortly.


"Mine was in the bedroom." Sherlock replies as if it was obvious.

"What, and you couldn't be bothered to get up?" John snaps angrily. "It's password protected!"

Sherlock shrugs. "In a manner of speaking. Took me less than a minute to guess yours."

"Not exactly Fort Knox." Kat mutters quietly under her breath, but John still hers her and sends her an annoyed look. Sherlock just smiles, proud and amused. Kat gives him and apologetic smile. "Sorry, I couldn't help it."

"Right, thank you." Watson snaps and slams the lid of the laptop closed and takes it ways from Holmes.


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