Chapter 29

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The two detectives and the doctor head out to the Scotland Yard office to meet with Detective Inspector Dimmock about the new murder.

"Brian Lukis, freelance journalist. Murdered in his flat, doors locked from the inside." Kat explains to Detective Inspector Dimmock as she gives him a flat, knowing expression. Sherlock pulls up the story online and flips his laptop around to face Dimmock who crosses his arms over his chest. He leans in slightly in order to read the story but the sour look on his face remains.

"You've gotta admit, it's similar." Watson adds jumping in. "Both men killed by someone who can," He pauses as if wondering how to phrase his next statement. "Walk through solid walls." With that, Dimmock looks up at Watson and gives him a disbelieving look.

Holmes turns to the detective. "Inspector, do you seriously believe that Eddie Van Coon was just another City suicide?" Sherlock pauses sighing. "You have seen the ballistics report, I suppose?"

Dimmock just hums in response.

"And the shot that killed him:" Kat begins to ask him. "Was it fired from his own gun?"

Dimmock hesitates before reluctantly answering her: "No."

"No." Holmes repeats. "So this investigation might move a bit quicker if you were to take our word as gospel." He pauses and the two of them stare at each other for a beat before Sherlock leans in real close to Dimmock. "We've just handed you a murder enquiry." He tells the detective in a hard but quiet voice. "Five minutes in his flat."

Detective Dimmock still hesitates but Kat cuts in. "Think about it this way, you don't really have a choice." She smiles sweetly at the end and Dimmock then nods his head reluctantly and the four of them head to the reporters flat.

Kat, Sherlock, and John look around the flat. Sherlock notices a small black origami paper, a flower of some sort, and points it out to Kat who then walks over and observes it more closely.

"Hey, Sherlock," Kat starts still looking at the origami. "It kind of looks like a lotus flower to me."

"You're right." Sherlock says pausing when he was doing and walking back over to her. "What does it mean?" He mumbles to himself.

"Maybe a cult?" Kat suggests. "But what would a cult want with a bank trader and a freelance journalist? Or should I say not want considering they're, you know, dead know."

"Not sure," Sherlock starts. "I'll have to think about that one for a little bit."

"Four floors up." The blonde detective states when the rest of them reach Brian Lukis's flat. She walks over to the window with Sherlock following closely behind. He smiles when he looks out at the view. "That's why they think they're safe. Put a chain across the door and bolt it shut; think they're impregnable." She chuckles sadly at the fact that these people thought they would be unreachable. Poor sods.

"They don't reckon for one second that there's another way in." Holmes adds agreeing with Kat.

Dimmock sighs angrily, but not at the detectives, at the case. "I don't understand." He says honestly, giving in to the fact that he's not going to be able to figure this one out without Sherlock Holmes's help.

"You're dealing with a killer who can climb." Holmes states as he walks over to a skylight that Lukis had.

"What are you doing?" Dimmock asks incredulously as Sherlock goes to open the skylight.

"He clings to the walls like an insect." Sherlock explains. He goes to push it open and *Clunk.* It was unlocked.

Kat smiles impressed. "So that's how he got in."

Kat Got Your Tongue? (Sherlock X OC) ~BOOK 1~Where stories live. Discover now